Sunday, February 2, 2020

It's Time to Jump! Jump 4: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Annoying Mutts

I sighed as our group made it’s way through the forest.
We had, luckily, two Nekomata with us, Sari and Sori, they were of the same litter from what we knew and were able to shapeshift into large transport/combat forms. This we were using to our advantage since it was easier to do this and I had two of my clones riding on them to create Skill Books while I kept an eye out with another nine of them for potential enemies.
What skills was I making books for? All of them.
Seriously, I had a ton of skills that the others could benefit from, ranging from the outrageous “Growth Cheat” perk all the way to Techno-Magical Genius and All-Magic Affinity. And yes, I was cheating here, but that was fine. One of my skill book clones was also teaching Aiko a bit about reading, which was good.
We were making good progress on the Skill Books along with our traveling to Edo Village, the small town we had been heading to before insertion put our consciousnesses into these bodies. There were a few reasons for doing this.
One was that the village was near the hot zones which plague the country, so it would be a perfect location to base ourselves out.
Second was the fact that the village was well enough protected, with the man being somewhat experienced at fighting off Youkai and them having a trained, though not powerful Miko of their own. Thus the village, which otherwise was peaceful thanks to it´s relatively remote location, was safe enough in my mind to raise my children, or so was the reasoning of my In-Jump self, and it was somewhat reasonable.
Third on the list was the fact that they had, in the past, tolerated a Hanyou in their midst. The mutty grand retard blew the whole gig 50 years ago though but I had some hopes they would be willing to consider at least since I was traveling with several humans and children peacefully.
The fourth and last reason was the mutty baka of a retarded Hanyou I mentioned earlier. I felt a great lot of irritation at the idiot from the imprint of this world, we didn’t get along well due to our positions. The idiot was the younger half-brother of my liege, the Lord of the West, and the resentment said lord felt toward his brother because of the guy inheriting the legendary Tessaiga while he himself only got the Sword of Revival, Tenseiga, made my own job harder.
You see, nominally, as the only heir of my father when he died, I was the leader of the Konohana-clan of Kuro Inu Youkai, aside of this coming with authority over some 5000 Youkai of various clans which form the Ninth Western Legion, a term my father liked to use, this also made me a General by proxy of said lord. A few years after the Baka-Hanyou got himself stuck to a tree by a sacred arrow his brother called on his retainers for fending off the Panther Youkai clan which was invading from China.
I naturally heeded his call and while my troops fought just as valiantly and much more efficiently, than most others, with myself at the frontlines, my show of loyalty hadn’t exactly removed all the lingering resentment projections I got for my status as a Hanyou and for possessing my Treasure Blade.
Anyway, I’m digressing here. Point is that I was checking up on the Baka to see if I can’t figure out from him, if I wake him up, where the Tessaiga was hidden since I knew for a fact that he didn’t have it in his possession when he was sealed by his girlfriend back then.
My native counterpart was hoping to gain some favor and recognition from her boss by presenting him with the prize he so coveted for so many centuries ever since his father gave his life for his half-brother and made it his last will that said bastard son got the sword.
Mind you, I myself am not a bastard. My parents were properly married to one another for 3 years before I was born while there had been no marriage between the great and honorable Inu no Taisho and his second son’s mother before he died.
What the hell? What are you doing here Naomi!” And speaking of a bastard, I turned around to behold a clearly enraged Inuyasha with his long, white hair and red Kimono, with a girl with a School Uniform behind him. Like, literal Sailor Fuku.
Ugh, who the hell release that seal your girlfriend put on you? I was hoping she did a decent enough job to pin a Hanyou runt to a tree a bit longer.” I snarked right back and this ticked off Inuyasha, obviously.
You wanna have a go you brat?!” Shouted Inuyasha in return, his claws twitching with suppressed rage.
Sure, prepare to get ya butt kicked you mangy mutt.” I retorted, hand at my Mizuryusaiga, ready to draw it and teach this mangy baka not to star fights with people he knew outgunned him.
Inuyasha! Sit!” Before I could react a weird necklace around the guy’s neck begun to glow and with a wham, he face planted. Hard.
Uh… Way to to kill the mood.” I noted, relaxing a bit as, well, the hothead was twitching on the ground.
Inuyasha! Stop bullying little kids like that!” Screamed the girl Inuyasha begun to rise from the small crater he had made in the ground.
What are you talking about you damn woman? That brat’s been over a hundred years old when that old hag was a kid!” Shouted Inuyasha back as I rolled my eyes, being a kid-sized Hanyou has it’s drawbacks when people don’t know who you are.
I hate to agree with the mutt, but he’s right. I’m Konohana Naomi, clan leader of the Konohana Clan under the Western Lord and one of the Youkai Generals of the West. Also, I am the leader of the mercenary group Millenia.” I stated, crossing my arms, frowning at the two. “Also, I’m 185 years old, I assume you’re talking about this elderly Miko we heard about to live, so she’s likely been here since you lost your girlfriend instead of your virginity.” I quipped, at him, I couldn’t help myself there, the imprint and all.
Stop talking like that you stupid brat! You definitely didn’t get laid either you loli!” He shouted right back, and my eye twitched.
Swear jar!” Shouted at that point Aika from her perch, as cute as a cookie.
Wait a minute, who’s that kid there? She smells weirdly like you, don’t tell me you picked some stray up.” He stated, looking at my cute little daughter with a great deal of confusion.
No, that would be my daughter.” Stated Chiharu, sliding off the back of the great cat and leveling a Mom Glare at him. “And not just mine, but Naomi-chan’s daughter too, we’re married.” Stated Chiharu and I laughed out loud when Inuyasha’s face derailed and the modern-day girl’s jaw dropped.
Wha- how? You’re both girls so- how?” Asked the girl, completely flabbergasted, I swear I saw a blue error screen flash in her eyes.
I’m kind of a shapeshifter, I can alter my physical form in small ways, ranging from altering my physical features to giving me… well, I needed some special bits for that stunt.” I stated, not even bothering with pretending that I was ashamed of it. That was my clone’s job since Aika was now asking what that meant and what job. Inquisitive little tyke.
Ugh, great, you knock up another woman and make a mini you. Whatever, what are you doing here anyway? And since when do you work as a mercenary group leader of all things? Last I remember you still insisted on keeping that stupid title you inherited from your old man.” H asked, clearly not wanting to pursue the topic of our different status conditions in regards to our virginity.
I’m still the General, but due to my Liege, your brother’s, lack of conquest ambitions or interest in interfering with the human civil war, I have very little to do most of the time. My companions just joined me over the last few years and Chiharu and I have been married for six years already, so we avoided siring a bastard.” I stated grinned at his rather angry look.
Anyway, regarding why we’re here, one of the main reasons is that the nearby village would present a decent base of operations since several Daimyo are battling it out not far from here. We will obviously not occupy them or be a burden.” I stated which earned a snort from Mutt.
Like hell you would just peacefully settle down in a village. You’re one of that bastard’s retainers, no matter how nice you talk and that bastard can’t be trusted.” Shot the idiot back and I gave him a flat look.
The Bastard said What?” I asked and two seconds passed.
What?” I snickered as he asked this, clearly not realizing the joke.
Listen baka, my liege isn’t exactly fond of humans, I won’t deny that. He hates Hanyou mainly because of you. You’re the bastard son of his father and yet said man acredited the Tessaiga to you as your inheritance. Which is another reason I chose to come here, actually. You have no formal or even remotely basic training in handling a Wakizashi, much less the great Tessaiga, just tell me where it is so I can recover it for him and I may be able to get him off your nonexistent tail.” I stated, hand on my hip as I stared him down.
Tzk, even if I knew where that stupid thing was hidden, why should I give it to you? You got three swords already just give one of them to him if you want his stupid praise.” Stated Inuyasha, while his human companion looked a bit confused between us.
Only one of them is mine, the other two I asked Totosei-dono to forge from the fangs my father left behind for my daughters.” I stated, it was how it was in this universe, after all. “Besides, the Tessaiga is an unmatched masterwork, sure, each of these swords were made by the same man, but there is a difference in sheer power between their materials. Giving one of these to him would be worthless to one such as him.” I stated as I glared at him.
Besides, isn’t Myoga your assigned retainer and minder? Shouldn’t he know where the grave of your father, Tessaiga’s resting place, is located? Where is that stupid flea anyway?” I asked, irritated by the whole affair.
Naomi can you stop playing dominance games? I’m sensing a lot of Youki from the direction of the village.” Stated at that time Fukune, who had just come off Sari and into view of the two newcomers. “Wait, Kagome-chan?” Asked Fukune, slipping visibly into the slotted in role that her persona had in this world.
Fukune-chan? How did you get here? And- Wait! That Youkai’s still in the village!” Exclaimed the girl, Kagome, in a panic and run off with Inuyasha groaning and following after her.
Okay, everyone split up, non-coms on Sori and stay here, everyone else on Sari and come with me.” I stated as the kids and the Drop-Ins got onto one of the Nekomata while the rest of us either piled onto the other or got off Sori, before we begun to run toward the village, with me making clones to flank from other sides.
[Event Zone Entered: Yura of the Demon Hair]
[Goal: Defeat Yura]
[Rewards: 400 Won/Koku, 1 Skill Book, ???]
Looking at this notification I sighed, great. 400 Koku was enough for 400 years of rice. Not that I didn’t like Rice, it’s kinda the most common food in this era, but it’s kinda bland.
Anyway, we arrived at the location that housed the village and found the woman of the village trapped by a Youkai in the shape of a young woman with way too much black to her. Seriously, the woman was a Dominatrix before it was In to be one.
Dungeon Create!” I called, raising my hand and causing a Illusion Barrier to form around us, whisking us away from the normal, mortal humans. The fact that this Kagome didn’t get affected pointed to her spiritual power.
What the- where did the villagers go?” Asked Inuyasha dumbfounded, and Kagome looked no better with as confused as she was.
Baka, did you forget that I can create Illusion Barriers? Quick reminder, they’re pocket dimensions that transport anything of mystical origin into it, removing them from reality. Perfect battlegrounds.” I stated, as I watched the female Youkai look around in confusion, clearly not prepared for sudden spacial shifts.
Appraisal.” I stated, cold as I was, analyzing the Youkai.
[Yura of the Demon Hair]
[Lvl: 32]
[Description: Low Ranking Tsukumogami born of a hairbrush which was used in murder. Obsessed with white hair of the young.]
I stared at this, then looked to Inuyasha. “Say, that Hinezumi pelt you got from your dad, it still works, right?” He nodded at my question, clearly a bit confused by it. “I have a plan, but you need to distract the bitch, don’t worry it won’t involve anything capable of harming you.” I stated and after a moment of hesitation, and a grumble of “Why am I doing what she wants?” from him, he went to confront the woman.
You’re going to blow her up, aren’t you?” Asked Chiharu, raising an eyebrow at me as I smirked.
Multiply.” I stated in return. While I only said it once, I cast it a total of eight times with seven of them cast silently. “And now, [Prominence].” I cast with a smirk, before channeling the massive fire attack into individual spheres, one for each casting and extremely concentrated.
The end result? 256 miniature suns were soon floating above me, each burning hot and white in color. “Eh!? What he- what is that?!” Shouted Kagome in shock as she covered her eyes and I saw that Inuyasha did the same while Yura looked about ready to shit herself.
The ultimate fire spell available to me. Now go to hell, BITCH!” I announced before launching what may be several nuclear bombs at her, enough firepower to engulf a great city several hundred times over exploded in a massive flash that would’ve leveled the small village in the area had this been normal space.
As it was, the only thing standing afterward was a screaming and cursing Inuyasha, thankfully the Hinezumi fur protects from all manner of fire, not just where it covers the body. Well, I say thankfully, but that’s just for Inuyasha.
[Event Completed!]
[Goals: Defeat Yura of the Demon Hair]
[Bonus Goal: Don’t kill the Main Characters!]
[Rewards: 400 EXP, 1 Skill Book, [Inuyasha] and [Kagome] can be recruited for Pack]
[Bonus Reward: 200 EXP]
[Naomi has reached level 9!]
[Chiharu has reached level 4!]
[Mikasa has reached level 4!]
[Aika has reached level 4!]
[Pao has reached level 4!]
[Kazami has reached level 4!]
[Aiko has reached level 4!]
[Biwako has reached level 4!]
[Junkichi has reached level 4!]
[Fukune has reached level 4!]
[Ni has reached level 4!]
[Happy has reached level 4!]
I blinked, wait, Main Character?
I groaned as I already knew where this was going to go.

The Shikkon no Tama was shattered?” I asked in shock the next day, having found and recovered the elderly Miko and village leader Kaede after helping the villagers also recover from the attack.
Yes, Kagome-san shattered it by accident while trying to stop a Chibigarasu from escaping with it.” Stated Kaede as she regarded the lot of us. The kids were out, playing with some of the village children of which some were even old enough to supervise them. Some of the other members of my group were out, having accepted a little quest to help with the crops or, in case of Chiharu, to check on some of the protective wards Kikyo left behind.
This really just left myself, Fukune and Happy along with Inuyasha, who was still glowering at my prompt abuse of his fire immunity clothing to grill him, hard. “Ugh, that blasted thing is just making more and more of a mess, isn’t it? Like we don’t have enough of a Civil War already.” I groaned, massaging my temples in frustration at the situation.
I see that you have grasped the situation already. Though I’m surprised you’re not more frustrated with the loss of the jewel.” Stated Kaede, not even hiding her suspicion as I rolled my eyes.
Unlike the mutt over there I have more than two braincells to rub together. The thing was made of malice and powerful energy, no way is it not in some way responsible for the conflict erupting around it all the time. Besides, who spread those retarded rumors about it granting wishes anyway? Sounds to me like a trap.” I stated, sighing in resignation at the pure idiocy of the whole thing.
Well, we can’t know if that suspicion is correct, but I suspect you can see the issues arising from the shards.” Stated Kaede and I nodded, that was true.
Yeah, even that one shard you guys picked out of the ashes seems to have been full of Youki to the brim, in the wrong hands that could very well end horribly for everyone involved.” I stated, frowning. The shard had been a drop of that retarded Youkai, along with what was called “Carbonized Pieces”, described as pieces of a comb that had been burned nearly to a crisp.
How anything survived that city buster x256, I don’t know.
Therefore I have a request.” I blinked as Kaede continued, unawares of my musings. “Kagome and Inuyasha have already agreed to try and gather the shards, but I would like to request that you and whoever you would be willing to commit to this cause accompanies them.” Stated Kaede and I blanched at the idea.
Me? Traveling with the mutt? Sorry Kaede-san but are you nuts? Blasting him with castle-busting magic was the most therapeutic thing I’ve ever done!” I complained, not at all interested in traveling with the annoying whiny little bitch of an idiot. I know I know I shouldn’t let the imprint talk this much, but he is!
And yet it would be pertinent for them to have someone like you with them, wouldn’t it? And last I remember, you requested to settle into our village with your mercenary band. Consider this the payment I ask for in order for you to base your operations out of our village, help these two to gather the shards as much as you can and we will provide you with lodging, food and resources as we can.” Stated Kaede and I flinched, hard bargain lady.
As if we need the brat! She’s not even 200 years old so how would she be of use?” Asked Inuyasha and everyone present gave him a flat look.
You’re literally the oldest person in the room and you need, last I checked, little mist future-reincarnation there to get anything done.” I stated flatly which made him blush. “Besides, unlike you I’m not a one-trick pony, I have magic, Anti-Magic and various other abilities you lack. Not to mention that I have The System. As far as I can tell, you should be begging me to let you train in my Illusion Barriers.” I stated flatly which made him grow only angrier.
Well, will you then accept?” Asked Kaede, ignoring largely our bickering and I took a deep breath, this was the safest place for the kids, to be honest. And I had a reason to be headed or this place when I set up the jump for us.
Fine, I’ll do it. But not before I get those two into some manner of form. I can’t run around with a guy who doesn’t know anything other than brawling.” I stated and that naturally created more protests from Inuyasha.

Two days later I had to thank whoever decided to pair this jump with The Gamer, because Instant Dungeons are a blessing upon the drill sergeant.
With them I set up a permanent dungeon that would have two months pass for every 24 hours passing outside the barrier. We stayed in it for 24 hours, in other words, which gave me plenty of time to interrogate Inuyasha and bring him a bit up to snuff.
Sadly I had to reveal that me and my companions had some… weird origins beyond what Inuyasha knew, because Ni had the bright idea to throw a frag grenade into a bunch of monsters that the barrier had summoned. Yeah, she has a habit of temper tantrums now that she’s a little girl.
Anyway, after we left the dungeon we found ourselves at a spectacle by my esteemed liege himself who had come to try and claim Tessaiga. He had apparently no luck locating the grave of the honorable Inu no Taisho and had decided to see if the heir to Tessaiga’s ownership would have the key.
Then I had to report, regretfully, that despite my efforts to find out even one hint about it, Inuyasha had been left utterly clueless by the useless flea who had been made his retainer. Jaken, the useless toad Youkai who was Sesshoumaru’s secretary in all but name, naturally was being a pain in the ass about my failure but I kicked him for it and, as the guy had a lower standing than me, Sesshoumaru-sama didn’t even mention anything.
Unlike toad face I had stood with the rest of his forces back in that miniature war.
Anyway, as it turned out, which involved a Nu-Onna, a Facekles Woman, Inuyasha’s right pupil was actually a Black Pearl capable of opening a portal into the boundary between life and death. Sesshoumaru-sama took it out and had Jaken break it to summon the portal. Inuyasha, the little shit he is, went after him with Kagome-chan despite not being interested in Tessaiga.
Stupid idiot.
Surprisingly, when they come out Sesshoumaru-sama was missing an arm, was bleeding and didn’t have the sword. Meanwhile, Inuyasha come out, not much worse for wear and had the sword instead. I chewed him out for his stupid taking of the sword out of nothing more than principle. Because that was what he was doing, he hadn’t wanted it, but didn’t want his brother to have it either so now there.
After that I would’ve tried making the idiot train and learn the way of the sword, even if his was a massive blade, almost as if it had been made from a sharpened tooth with little else added. Well, aside of the fur that it had. The thing also had a more compact Katana-like form that looked absolutely wrecked but that was likely a defense mechanism more than anything, make it look like shit so it wouldn’t be stolen by those who were unaware of it’s powers.
Anyway, having said that, Inuyasha had no desire to wait any longer with searching for the Shikkon no Tama Shards, and he was also still miffed that I had refused to help him against my boss. Well, sorry but I owe the guy the proper respect, he’s the Lord of the West after all, and I don’t want to become a traitor to him. Also, I still disliked Inuyasha, partialy because of the imprint but mostly by now because the guy was grating on my nerves.
Chiharu stayed back, as did Mikasa, Aika, Pao, Junkichi, Ni, Fukune and Yukai, with the latter two using the opportunity to go into the present-day Japan to take a hold of thheir localized families. Kazami and Biwako would come with us for the sake of reinforcements.
It didn’t take us long to find some trouble. We went to the Musashi province and while I took a bath along with Kagome, Kazami and Biwako, because pack protection is a thing that I tried to emphasize for a while now, and Kagome needs to get used to this era some time in the future, we found that Kagome’s clothes had been stolen. Inuyasha come then, with Kagome having screamed out of shock when a monkey jumped over us, and we headed out.
Mind you, Kagome protested that I should put some clothes on before going, but I pointed out that I’m over 180 years old, a grown-ass woman despite appearances, and we’re in the Sengoku-motherfucking-Jidai. I still grabbed my clothes and put them on loosely while we were heading out, simply because carrying Mizuyrusaiga around by hand would be rather silly looking.
We found the monkey belonged to a young Samurai by the name of Amari Nobunaga, not Oda Nobunaga, and had been actually sent out to search for food. I made some Ramen instead and by the time Kazami, who had been gathering up our things and had dressed herself, arrived we had found that he was traveling to a nearby castle where a princess he had a crush on resided but bad rumors had also sprouted around the place.
Long story short, the lord had been possessed by a Ogama Obake, a Great Toad in other words. We beat the crap out of the amphibian Obake baka and rescued the girls and the princes who had been fed on by the sad excuse for a Youkai. Inuyasha almost got a big head but I pointed out to him that this thing was not even close to being any kind of powerful Youkai, it was just a sad excuse for a Beast Youkai.
Not long after we encountered another Youkai, a young Kitsune named Shippo. Biwako easily outsmarted the younger Kitsune and we learned that he wanted the Shikkon no Tama shards so he could fight the killers of his father. These two were the Raiju Kyodai, I had heard of them, two of the three remaining members of the Raiju Ichizoku, a clan of Thunder Youkai.
I had been meaning to search them out and put an end to their antics, it was bad for business and they weren’t even vassals of the Tsuki clan. Since they had five shards of the Shikkon no Tama it was only more reason to take them out on top of their actions against Shippo’s father, leaving the boy an orphan.
Shoryuha!” I called, releasing Mizuyusaiga’s Youki attack against Manten, the younger of the two brothers who hadn’t archieved a human-like form yet. Inuyasha should’ve done this instead of me, he wasn’t skilled enough to fight Hiten, the older brother, as the guy used special equipment to fly. I tried helping a bit by accelerating Inuayasha using the “Tailwind” spell. However, this didn’t help much when the guy was swinging around his sword like a complete idiot.
Manten on the other hand was just a brutish, not even that powerful fighter who had one big problem: Chiharu had already shared her Electrokinesis as a Skillbook with me, so he was just recharging me when he used his Thunder magic. As such, freezing the crap out of him and then going to town on his ass with my sword. Not that way.
Anyway, I managed to snatch the pelt of Shippo’s father from the guy before ramming one and a half meters of Inu Youkai Tooth-turned-sword into his head, ending him in the process.
And then I had to dodge Hiten going on a rampage since I just killed his brother and when he went to absorb his power, he discovered my sword’s special ability. Miyuryusaiga was gifted with the ability to consume Youki, literally. I kill something, it’s power is absorbed with a few of it’s abilities depending on the amount of contact my sword had with the flesh of the killed. I could also diffuse attacks from Youki as well.
The fight that followed was very short since I sensed something and wanted to get this done with so that I could do what I had to do, rather than watch Inuyasha flail around until whatever happened in canon of this story. Because obviously I was OCP as fuck.
Or in other words, I flattened Hiten in one hit, then stabbed him in the head with my sword, absorbing his energy until he, as a Youkai of Thunder, dissolved and was absorbed as well. Inuyasha was throwing a tantrum over this kill stealing but I didn’t care.
Hey Shippo-kun, your father was a minor Daiyoukai, wasn’t he?” I asked, looking at the beast-form pelt in my hand, approaching the small Youkai who nodded, breaking down in tears as he gave him the pristine pelt. I sat down next to him, sighing. “Your father was pretty impressive, if those two hadn’t had their shards he could’ve won I think. Even now his Youki lingers in this pelt.” I noted and I wasn’t even lying. The fact that so much Youki and intent remained within the pelt was a testimony to the fallen Youkai.
Shippo-kun, this pelt isn’t as good as the whole body, but your father left you an inheritance. What Hiten did to Manten, consuming him? That isn’t unique. If you wish I can help you archive this, make the power of your fallen father your’s, if you wish.” I stated, speaking softly and kind, but also firm for this was important. The pelt couldn’t hold this youki forever.
W- what would happen?” Asked Shippo, clinging to the pelt with tears in his eyes and I smiled softly, poor kid needed someone who wasn’t as block-headed as Inuyasha here.
He would become part of you, staying with you as long as you live. Among Youkai this is actually a tradition, to pass one’s strength to their family in some way if they pass away. Inu no Taisho-sama, this mutt’s venerable father, did so with the swords Tessaiga and Tensaiga. Your father couldn’t, but with this ritual he can pass a part of his strength onto you, to protect you even from beyond the grave.” I explained softly and after a moment Shippo nodded.
I won’t go into much detail on the way this worked, or how the whole process went down. But with the way this was, I draped the pelt over Shippo’s shoulders and placed my sword along with these of my daughters in a square with Tessaiga, using them both to form a containment ward and as catalysts. I had to commend Inuyasha for parting willingly with the sword for this purpose.
I then sparked my own Youki, using it and the swords to channel and guide the energies of father and son as well as the energies my blade stole from Hiten and Manten into Shippo. As he glowed I watched him temporarily reverting to fox form, a small and adorable kit with red fur. But his fur changed and, as the procedure continued, his tail split.
When the glow finally subsided and Shippo returned to his humanoid form, he had only slightly changed. For starters his hair had turned golden, for another his legs, which had remained the hindlegs of a fox due to his lack of skill in transforming, had now turned into those of a young human child. Lastly he now had his split tail, two tails rather, on display with a single mark of Power, a sign of a Youkai of certain strength, on his cheek.
His level had also changed. He had originally been level 23, now his level had sparked to 59 following this ritual. Shippo was still only a child, mind you, he didn’t have the knowledge or skill to make much use of his boosted power or the inherited Thunder Magic.
However, with my own authority as a General of the West, head of a noble Youkai clan and the highest authority beside Sesshoumaru-sama in the area, I adopted him into the Konohana-clan, with Shippo joining our group on his insistence. It would be good too, since I would be able to train him.

And that’s one purchase done.” I stated, sitting in a cafe as I tapped away on my cellphone.
I had gone to the present when Kagome had done the same after the whole Thunder Brothers debacle, intending to use the time to purchase some things. Chief among them a Skill Book on “Elemental Summoning” and one on “Golem Creation”. They arrived relatively discreetly not long after, by a truck dropping them off near me and me picking them both up.
So far things had been calm with my stay in this time period. I knew there was mention of the Japanese part of the Abyss being destroyed in the past and thus any Japanese Ability Users were subsequently hunted down for it. The fact that I had been left alone so far, despite of this and on top of the Drawback I actually took, indicated that they lacked the ability to find me in the past.
So yeah, I basically come out here to see who would come after me, neither Fukune nor Yukai had been harassed in the future either so that was strange.
Though the peace and quiet died when a Illusion Barrier suddenly appeared around me, with two people stepping out of an alleyway right after. “Well, Ji-Pan, look at what we found. A Japanese dog.” Sneered one of them, I could understand them thankfully and knew they were speaking in Korean.
Wow, great intro, calling me a dog. Next thing you call me a bitch.” I mocked with a roll of my eyes, confusing them since I was wearing a hoodie and shorts over my normal Kimono, easily hiding my true nature. “You guys here to give me trouble, right? I would have thought you would send more.” I commented easily as I didn’t even bother taking out Mizuryusaiga from my Inventory, those two weren’t even high enough on the totempole to be a threat to anything.
Tzk, aren’t you a cocky one? Some Japanese brat like you would never be able to match any one of us, just because you have a lot of Mana doesn’t mean that you can-” I grew tired, to be honest, of this weirdo’s rambling and, moving faster than either could react, closed the distance between us and swung my claws through his neck.
His Partner’s widening eyes were only made worse as my victim’s head hit him from above, having flown off his neck after being severed. “You guys talk way too much for some simple Ningen.” I noted, licking my claws just for the scare factor, my hood having come down due to my movement and thus revealing my ears.
W- what are you?!” Exclaimed the man, drawing a Korean sword, I think it’s called a Dao? Well, it wasn’t that impressive.
Normally I wouldn’t tell you this, but since you will die anyway, why not? I am Konohana Naomi, daughter of Konohana Shotaro of the clan Konohana, vassal clan of the Cardinal Lord Sesshoumaru-sama. I have traveled 500 years into the future to see this “Abyss” for myself and I am not impressed.” I stated, turning to him as his partner’s lifeless body fell to the floor. “I may be half human, but animals who think they are above me? Prey, that’s all you are.” I stated, giving my best Sesshoumaru impression with the haughty.
When I finally broke the barrier I had basically looted the two bodies for all they were worth, giving me two swords that I shattered with Mizuryusaiga for some power up, as well as a dozen Skill Books I fabricated from their abilities. No need to pretend I wasn’t using them for such.
I was just about to head to the shrine when I sensed Youki and smelled the stench of decay. “Ugh, great, some necrotic Youkai just had to show up.” I grumbled before heading there where I found Inuyasha fighting a large amalgamation of various human bodies, all of them dead, with a Noh Mask placed on the top.
Hey mutt! I’m gone for five fucking minutes, and you get into a huge fight with a lowly Tsukumugami? You sure you don’t want those lessons on combat techniques from me?” I called to him, creating an Illusion Barrier to keep the people around us from seeing the action even more.
Who dares speak of me like this?” Bellowed the mask angrily and I scoffed at it.
That would be me, Konohana Naomi. I am a general of the Western Cardinal Lord and compared to me, you are nothing Tsukumogami.” I stated coldly, it wasn’t a secret that my clan, the Konohana, were among the more gentle Youkai of the period. We frowned upon the hunt for humans and our clan’s symbol, a Sakura Hana or Cherry blossom, was often enough to give people in the region we operated in a free pass, even as Youkai or Hanyou entering temples.
I will make you regret these words worm! I shall consume you and-” I didn’t let the mask continue to speak, instead cutting it in half with my sword.
Stop rambling, you’re so low on the totempole that I need a microscope to see you.” I stated frankly as one half of the mask, now separated from it’s corpse assembly, floated into the air. “Don’t think I will let you go.” I stated, lifting my sword as the mask tried charging toward Kagome. “Shoryuha!” I didn’t give it the chance, unleashing the attack upon the item and vaporizing it on the spot.
So, now that the Tsukumogami is gone and- is that a Shikkon no Tama shard? Why in the hell is that thing here?” I asked, looking at the two of them.
I don’t know, I first saw it I think when it possessed a woman. I didn’t know it was a Youkai to be honest, it hadn’t added so much to itself yet.” Explained Kagome and I sighed, great.
Well, whatever. Grab the shard will you? Can’t leave that thing lying around in this day and age. Seriously, we’re in an age where Youkai activity is practically zero and you still get attacked.” I muttered as I turned around, returning my sword to the inventory. I shattered the barrier soon after Kagome had picked up the shard while I picked up some wads of Korean money and other assorted drops.
Here’s to hope there wouldn’t be any more problems.

No Kwang-Sun and Wi Ho-Jin’s life signals have been confirmed to have been extinguished sir. It appears they weren’t able to eliminate the Japanese Ability User.” Stated a young woman, facing one of the most powerful people of South Korea who was frowning.
Any information on the identity of this “Jumper the Gatekeeper”? Who even calls themselves something like this in English while in Japan?” Asked the man, an elderly man by the name of Shin Sun-Oh, frowning as he considered the ramifications of this.
Before his elimination Wi Ho-Jin was able to send an image over his ability of the attacker along with a name. Konohana Naomi.” Stated the woman, handing him an image of a young girl in casual but absurdly baggy clothing including a hoodie that was down, showing a pair of dog-like ears replacing any human ones she should have. She also had black hair, done up in a ponytail and her clawed fingers were on display, bloodied and the corpse of No Kwang-Sun on the ground behind her.
By our estimations she appears to be non-human, likely a Hanyou or Youkai Halfbreed. By appearance she seems to be of a Inugami breed.” Stated the woman, Somun So-Ah, pushing up her glasses as if for effect. He suspected it actually was for that reason alone.
Not of that Daiyoukai Sesshoumaru. They get white hair.” Stated Shin Sun-Oh as he peered down at the young-looking girl. There was quite a bit of danger associated with anything of the Japanese folktales, the old tales of the Shikkon Miko included beings like this, Hanyou.
Shall we send a larger team? Youkai activity has risen recently after all.” Asked Somun So-Ah as she stared at him, asking for an answer.
No, I believe this requires something more than brute force.” Stated Shin Sun-Oh as he stared down at the girl. “What was her phone number again?” Asked the man and his secretary raised an eyebrow.
If there was interaction between the Abyss and the Youkai community of Japan, then it may lead to trouble further down the line. He was going to ensure this would not be the case.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

It's Time to Jump! Jump 4: Chapter 1

It’s Time to Jump

Jump 4: Chapter 1: Feudal Japan is NOT SAVE!

I sighed as I saw Jump-chan walked out from behind one of the shelves as I was playing with Angelica.
It’s already time?” I asked, unhappily because I had some serious downtime and I could only guess what the last poll had provided me with in terms of jump material. Especially with my daughter now a guaranteed import and all. I couldn’t just walk out of that one sadly.
Yup. Check the Jump Machine, would you? It’s a bit of a double jump, really.” She stated and I stared at her for a moment, before standing up from the improvised play area and gave Cristine the sign to give our little sparking angel some more Pikachu lessons. It was a good way of distracting the little angel.
Anyway, walking over to the machine I saw two tabs were ready there. One was titled, and I kinda dreaded the setting because of time period and location, Inuyasha. The other wasn’t much better, it was a Korean Manwha named The Gamer, in which the Main Character gained a RPG based superpower and got dragged into the magical underworld basically, being a huge nerd with little idea about balance at that.
Well, I had a lot of advantages at least to The Gamer as a setting, aside of the fact that my default stats included Luck and Intelligence at something along the lines of Yes or , and my base Strength could be in the triple digits or quadruple digits, so I wasn’t that worried about the setting, Ji Han got along fine with far worse starting stats.
However, Inuyasha, A Feudal Fairy Tale, by Rumiko Takahashi, was an Anime/Manga set during the Sengoku Jidai of the 15th century. Technically a Isekai, this story revolved around Higurashi Kagome and her quest to find and reunite the shards of the Shikkon no Tama, or Jewel of Four Souls, which she accidentally shattered early on.
The initial BBEG of the setting, after the Monster of the Week routine ended, was Naraku, a powerful half-Youkai, not Demon, born when the human Onigumo, a thief who had been almost killed, fused with hundreds of Youkai into one being. He was opposed by Kagome’s group which consisted of the Hanyou, aka a Youkai-Human hybrid, who was the eponimous Inuyasha, the Hoshi, or Monk, known as Miroku. The Youkai huntress Sango and her partner, the tame Nekomata Kirara, as well as the child Kitsune, known as Shippo. A full blooded Youkai.
The document itself was… subpar, to be honest. From what I knew of jumps, Quicksilver’s jumps were all very early installments and thus had a lot of early installment sicknesses, being a lot less conventional in their approach of anything. However, the Inuyasha CYOA, the jump I was to embark on, suffered from one of the most irritating formating styles I knew.
For starters, the Origins were Drop-In, Lost Spirit, Monk, Demon Slayer, Kitsune and Hanyou. For those unaware, this was all based on six members of the main cast and one supporting character. Drop-In was the Kagome option, it shares one perk with the Lost Soul option, is based on archery, and some priest powers.
Lost Soul was based on the deceased love of Inuyasha, Kikyo, whose reincarnation is Kagome. This Origin had a number of spirit based perks and shared the same archery perk as the Drop-In option. The character was relevant and a supporting character mainly because she had been reanimated by a witch early in the series and continued with this undead state of sorts from there.
The Monk option was obviously aimed at Miroku, the perverse Hoshi. His perks mostly revolved around his type of work but he also had a flirting perk. Nope, not interested.
Demon Slayer was an obvious nod to Sango who was just that by occupation. It revolved around… not much really. It had one of the trashiest perk lines I knew of with only a skill and poison knowledge perk to speak of.
Kitsune was based on Shippo, the team’s token kid. He was a very young Kitsune and this reflected negatively on the Origin, as the whole perk line was hindered by the whole idea of Kitsune being weak with the perks being mostly illusions and tricks and the items being genuine toys and some firecrackers. Nothing else really.
Lastly we have Hanyou. While not blessed by favoritism like Drop-In, it was based on the secondary Main Character, Inuyasha and boasted some somewhat impressive perks and a weapon based on Inuyasha’s Tessaiga. A Demon Weapon, in other words. Would be worth getting to be honest.
Overall, the whole jump wasn’t that great at all, it had some new tricks but most of it’s perks were fairly weak and not worth that much CP. It also limited builds to somewhat imitating the respective characters in some capacity, but the worst had to be the pathetic import option that gave 300 CP, but expected Hanyo imports to pay full prize for the Origin. Whoever wrote this had no idea about the needs of the Jumpers, did they?
Anyway, I’m not going to go into details on the finer points of this whole shebang, the whole of the perks and items, buying them would simply be a way for me to get a bit of an edge. A quick survey of my companions confirmed that my human companion roster would be growing quite a bit this jump since more joined. I also forced Bi into coming along so that I would have the ubber psychic on my team there.
I myself bit into the somewhat sour apple of the overprized Hanyou Origin only for the Janpasaiga and Alt-Form. My companion’s builds, using my houserule based import option, were as follows:
Cristine → Chiharu
Origin: Monk/Miko
Perks: Confidence (Free); Sacred Sutras (-100); Spiritual Barrier (Free); Demonic Attributes (-600)
Items: Kimono (Free); Map Pack (-50); Shakujo (-50)
Cristine would be going as the mother of our daughters, as listed below, as a Miko. Since Hoshi and Miko served the same general roles in Feudal Japan she chose it over the Lost Soul option, which would make her kinda dead, or the Drop-In since that would be just Kagome-like.
Mind you, we were still a human Miko in a relationship with a Bi sexual, gender fluid Hanyou woman.
Michelle → Mikasa
Origin: Hanyou (Daughter)
Perks: Some Sort of Jumping Demon? (Free); Demonic Attributes (Free); Superhuman Senses (-200); Scavenger (-100)
Items: Kimono (Free); Fireproofing (-50); Janpasaiga (-300) (Name: Karyusaiga); Toy Chest (-100); Map Pack (-50)
Michelle took the chance this gave her to become my daughter in blood in this jump, since as a Hanyou I would be old enough to be her mother/parent. The Hanyou background, naturally, made sense for her as such since she was the daughter of a Hanyou and a human for the jump.
Angelica → Aika
Origin: Hanyou (Daughter)
Perks: Some Sort of Jumping Demon? (Free); Demonic Attributes (Free); Superhuman Senses (-200); Scavenger (-100)
Items: Kimono (Free); Fireproofing (-50); Janpasaiga (-300) (Name: Kiriryusaiga); Toy Chest (-100); Map Pack (-50)
Angelica’s build was naturally made by myself as she is too young to do it. I decided to make her build basically the same as Michelle’s and slotted them in as twin sisters, so Michelle could actually play the infant she was still at heart.
Piske → Pao
Origin: Demon Slayer
Perks: Strongest in the Village (Free); Glare (-100); Toxic (-200); Scavenger (-100)
Items: Kimono (Free); Hiraikotsu (Replaced on request with Katana of similar make) (-50); Nekomata (-150); Firebombs (-200)
Piske was once more one of the few males of our group and decided on the Taichiya or Demon Slayer, Origin. We checked with Jump-chan if he could replace the boomerang with a Katana instead since the weapon was just impractical and not at all lore friendly. He also bought the Nekomata Item/companion, Jump-chan agreed to it because that would be more along the lines of a pet or follower than a companion really.
Storm → Kazami
Origin: Demon Slayer
Perks: Strongest in the Village (Free); Glare (-100); Toxic (-200); Scavenger (-100)
Items: Kimono (Free); Hiraikotsu (Replaced on request with Kusarigama of similar make) (-50); Nekomata (-150); Firebombs (-200)
Storm obviously went with a somewhat wind-like sounding name in Kazami. She had the same build as Piske so I suspect they had agreed on it, though she took a Kusarigana, a Sickle and Chain weapon. It was a more tactical weapon than the Katana but also a very versatile one.
Amy → Aiko
Origin: Kitsune
Perks: Foxfire (Free); Fox Magic (-100); Toy Transformer (-200); Shapeshifting (-300); Filter (-100)
Items: Kimono (Free); Toy Chest (Free); Firebombs (-100)
Amy, my little fairy, took the Kitsune origin to reflect the Fae nature that she didn’t really use all that much. She wanted to be small and cute once more apparently too.
Bianca → Biwako
Origin: Kitsune
Perks: Foxfire (Free); Fox Magic (-100); Toy Transformer (-200); Shapeshifting (-300); Filter (-100)
Items: Kimono (Free); Toy Chest (Free); Firebombs (-100)
Bianca took the same build as Amy, making herself one of three kitsune Triplets that were part of our group, making her the sister of Amy/Aiko.
John → Junkichi
Origin: Kitsune
Perks: Foxfire (Free); Fox Magic (-100); Toy Transformer (-200); Shapeshifting (-300); Filter (-100)
Items: Kimono (Free); Toy Chest (Free); Firebombs (-100)
And here we have The third of the triplets, John. Me and his soon to be sisters did a small prank on him by changing his gender selection to female, just to mess with him a bit.
Bi → Ni
Origin: Kitsune
Perks: Foxfire (Free); Fox Magic (-100); Toy Transformer (-200); Shapeshifting (-300); Filter (-100)
Items: Kimono (Free); Toy Chest (Free); Firebombs (-100)
And the fourth Kitsune, this time it was Bi who had just been too lazy to care. However, since he needed to relax a bit and both Michelle and Angelica needed a playmate, on top of a guardian, I did a bit of a prank and changed his age and gender to a 5 years old girl, so she would be young enough to be drawn into the playtime, but not too young to impair his mental abilities. Mind you, he had told me he didn’t really care about things like Gender.
Flash → Fukune
Origin: Drop-In
Perks: For Medical Reasons (Free); Marksmanship (-50); No School, no Problem (-50); Moral Compass (-100); Purification (-200); Sacred Arrow (-300)
Items: Quiver (-100); Fireproofing (-100)
Flash was another of the new ones on the import side of things. He decided to go with Drop-In to be a Time Traveler and was coerced by Happy to go in as her sister, reducing our male population in this case by another. The backstory they come up with was that they had been dragged into the past by some sort of magic and had traveled with our group.
Happy-→ Yukai
Origin: Drop-In
Perks: For Medical Reasons (Free); Marksmanship (-50); No School, no Problem (-50); Moral Compass (-100); Purification (-200); Sacred Arrow (-300)
Items: Quiver (-100); Fireproofing (-100)
Speaking of Happy, same ideas as above and naturally the origin of why Flash went girly. She also set herself up in a relationship with Piske which she revealed to be an actual relationship the two of them had for a while already, I didn’t know about that, I admit.
As for my own build, well, here it comes:
Name: Naomi
Origin: Hanyou (-300) (Kuro-Inu Hanyou)
Location: 2 km from Kaede’s village
Age: 185 years
Gender: Female
Import (-200)
Some Sort of Jumping Demon (-50): Enhanced Jumping ability.
Foxfire (-100): The ability to produce Kitsunebi, a mostly illusionary fire produced by both Kitsune and other spirits. No, it is not Kitsune exclusive you Gaijin.
Blades of Blood (-100): Allows claws to tear through steel armor and produce projectiles from blood.
Superhuman Senses (-200): Enhances all senses to a beyond animal-like level.
Janpasaiga (-300): A powerful demonic blade, imbued with unknown powers. Chosen name: Mizuryasaiga
Fireproofing (Free): A Kimono made of Hinezumi fur. Fire resistant and decent armor.
No Exit [+50 or +100]: Jump-Chan is sick of Jumpers entering a jump and just buggering off and hiding. That’s no fun. While you don’t have to participate with the plot, you can’t just hide. You must remain in the jump-zone the entire time. No finding an abandoned star system to hide from the Reapers, no flying away from Kyrat on your spaceship, no hiding in your Warehouse. If you take this as a Jump Drawback, it’s worth +100, but if it’s a Chain Drawback it’s only worth +50, as Jump-Chan figures you won’t want to hide out all the time. And Jump-Chan knows if you’re just taking this to pad your CP total. You can only take it as a Jump Drawback if you’d really want to bugger off and avoid the plot-zone entirely. If there is no plot zone (i.e. a slice of life or some place like DCU where there is Plot everywhere/everywhen) you can’t take this as a single-jump Drawback.
Setting Amnesia [+200]: You lose all knowledge about a setting and the canonical events therein as soon as you enter into a Jump. The only thing you know is what’s been given to you by your background (meaning that as a Drop-In, you wouldn’t know anything about a Jump’s setting). If you go to another Jump related to the first (X-Men Movies after Marvel, Harry Potter after Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, etc.) you retain your previous setting knowledge, but only know about changes from your background. This includes prejudices (non-mutants in Marvel dislike mutants, pureblood wizards dislike muggle-borns, etc.). If you’re using this as a Chain Drawback, it applies to every jump consistently. If you’re using it as a Single Jump Drawback, it cannot be applied to Generic Jumps or Slice of Life Jumps that lack specific canon. If you take a Jump Specific Drawback that would scramble the canon events, this is worth only half as much, since you’ve reduced the effectiveness of foreknowledge. If there is no canonical event chain, but there is a setting to be aware of (Minecraft, Harvest Moon, Alpha Centauri…) this also halves the value. If you buy this and the jump document provides a copy of the canon, you will receive said canon at the end of the jump if you purchase it. If you have any other source of information on the canon (say a copy of the Library of Congress or the Internet), it mysteriously has no record of the Canon until after you’ve left. This cannot be gamed.
Flea (+100): Mokari is a Flea Youkai who likes to drink Jumper’s blood, pretty much Myoga but unkillable, literally.
Changing Room [+50]: You can only shift between Alt-forms by visiting your warehouse. Available for Companions, imported or not, though if used by non-imported Companions they can only buy perks with it.
First, regarding that location, I decided that we would start within reach of the village but far enough that it would make sense for us not to have met the cast yet, which would also mean that our two future members didn’t change the reactions of the villagers to Kagome.
Now, why did I take those Drawbacks? Well, for starters I started off 500 CP off the normal amount I had. The entire jump was horribly balanced like that, as if they wanted to shoehorn a Jumper into taking Drop-In and a Companion to take Hanyou, but then the Hanyou would also not have anything but what was free for them. As such I took Drawbacks from the Universal Drawback Supplement that wouldn’t hurt me too much and one of the less annoying ones found on this document.
As I said, I wanted that Janpasaiga item.
As for The Gamer, the whole thing was a huge power grab, but at the same time costly as fuck. Just trying to get all the perks the Player Two Origin gets a discount for brings me way over the 1000 CP mark and it comes with the need to take one of two Drawbacks the Origin must take.
Me and my companions all took that Origin anyway.
Origin: Player Two (Free)
Location: –
100 cp - [ReSTAT] ( [Player Two] Discounted)
Jee-Han’s stat system reflects his own personal experience with gaming, and is divided into 6 [STATS]: [Vitality/Power], [Strength], [Intelligence], [Wisdom], [Dexterity], & [Luck] and, as anyone can see, those are essentially the D&D core six (minus the dump [STAT] that shall not be named). But gaming has come a long, long way from the days of Gygax and there are dozens or hundreds of different [STAT] spreads out there. With this perk, your Gamer [STAT(s)] can be reskinned however you like. Maybe you have [Agility] & [Coordination] instead of [DEX]. Maybe you have [Willpower] instead of [Wisdom]. Maybe you use White Wolf or Tristat or something similar. The ground rules are always the same… each level you gain a number of [STAT POINT(s)] that is roughly equivalent to 5 out of 6 where every [STAT] has a baseline of 10. Most importantly, this allows you to, once a decade, respec your spent [STAT POINTS], though doing so will cost you any special abilities you’ve gained for having an especially high [STAT]. Useless without a Gamer Perk. Stats: STR, DUR, INT, WIS, DEX, LUK.
300 cp - [Gamer’s Loot]
One of the most common aspects of video games is that your enemies will drop loot after their deaths. Be it the armor they had equipped, or a monster’s horns and claws, you will always receive a minimum of one crafting ingredient, one piece of equipment, or a varying amount of cash. The rarity and power of these items obviously depends on what you kill. A goblin might get you a tooth, a rusty knife, and a few thousand won (1000 Won = 1 USD), but a fire dragon might get you some fire resistant scales, a gauntlet that increases the power of your fire magic, and enough money to buy a new house in the suburbs. Additionally, you have a pocket dimension/inventory to carry all your loot in. This pocket seems to be practically unlimited in size, but only personal items (armor, weapons, potions, books, money, food, etc.) can be stored in it. During the jump, it will ALWAYS pay off in South Korean Won, but post jump it will change to the local currency of wherever you started from. Gamer’s Loot automatically upgrades Instant Dungeon to the permanent version for free. If you also have Illusion Technician, you can combine it with Gamer’s Loot to create ID’s based off of any combat region you’ve been to (war zones, random encounter areas… any target rich environment, really). These aren’t the real places, merely recreations of them, and they function like any other Instant Dungeon.
300 cp - [Gamer’s Mind]
As an ordinary person dragged into the Abyss, the ability to keep your cool is virtually priceless. With the flip of a mental switch, you can enter a state of mind in which panic, fear, rage, and other extreme emotions cannot exist for more than a few seconds. But order now, and we’ll also throw in immunity to just about every mental effect you can think of. Hypnosis? Immune. Sleep spells? Immune. Perception filters? Immune. Earworms and other memetic hazards? Immune. In addition, you gain the videogame interface, though this will be less than 100% useful without the other Gamer perks. This also unlocks a quest system, allowing you to gain additional exp for every predesignated action - something like do your homework, go to school, or collect twenty bear asses. Whenever someone has a task for you, a question mark will appear above their head and you’ll receive a pop-up indicating that they have a task for you to perform. Whenever someone offers you a quest, be it to do the dishes or fetch tofu from the store, you’ll gain a sense of what rewards performing this task will entail, including cash, exp, items, and or relationship status changes. Experience, regardless of whether or not you’re [Player Two] , can be used to level your mental stats ([INT], [WIS], [LUK]… [Willpower]) if you buy this. The more powerful you are, the more experience it takes to gain a noticeable increase in power, but as you grow more powerful, perhaps you’ll be able to tackle harder quests. If you have Gamer’s Skill or Gamer’s Body, you can also spend experience there.
Free - [Gamer’s Titles]
The more of a specific type of enemy you kill (Ogres, Undead, Goblins, Noobs) the more damaging your attacks will be against enemies of that type. The more damage you take from enemies of a certain type, the greater your defenses will grow against that type. These bonuses are tied to a title. Kill 500 zombies, gain the novice undead slayer title. Kill 5,000, become an apprentice undead slayer. Kill 50,000, and become an intermediate undead slayer, and so and so on. Changing your title takes a few minutes of downtime, and you can only have one active at a time.
300 cp - [Gamer’s Skills]
A wizard’s most valuable asset should be his mind and the knowledge contained therein. Whenever you come into contact with a book that contains instructions on how to perform any skill you don’t currently have, you will be given the option to ‘eat it’, thereby imparting you the knowledge you would have gained from reading it front to back, and then contemplating on it for a short time. However, this will only work once per book and will not work for theory texts. In addition, your skills will level with use, and eventually evolve into better ones at level one hundred. A simple mana chain spell might become far more powerful and versatile, and eventually it may very well rename itself ‘Enkidu’.
300 cp - [Gamer’s Body]
The counterpoint to Gamer’s Mind, the Gamer’s Body is the physical equivalent. Where Gamer’s Mind prevents things like paralyzing fear and other negative mental effects, Gamer’s Body protects the body. Giving you the body of a videogame character, this allows you to resist actual physical damage in exchange for using a HP system instead. Benefits include being completely healed after a good night’s sleep, being utterly resistant to physical damage (except in terms of HP loss), and earning exp whenever you kill something. You can punch something so hard your arm breaks, but two seconds later it will be fine again and you’ll be down some HP. And with the stat points you get upon level up, you can just up your strength (or endurance or vitality or dexterity) and make your arm harder to break.
Free or 50 cp - Instant Dungeon
Thanks to Gaia’s refusal to acknowledge magic as real, the Abyss has something called “Preventative Power”, a combination of “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” and punishment for messing with the mortal world too much. The more obvious the effect, the more bad luck she enforces on you. Thankfully, she also provides a way around it, the safe spaces known variously as Protected Spaces, Illusion Barriers, and Instant Dungeons. By pushing energy into your hand, and praying to her, you can enter a sub-dimensional space where the local environment is duplicated, but without people or animals. This allows fights to seem to level entire neighborhoods but in reality only a copy of the real world was damaged. Monsters may occasional spawn, formed from the spirits of the unquiet dead, but you cannot gain anything of material value from here, as everything here is an illusion. For the extra 50 cp, you may retain the functionality of the Barriers to summon monsters (without souls) post jump.
200 cp - Experience Is Wealth
Whenever you work a job, you can arrange to be paid in actual experience rather than money… or vice versa. If you are working a job related to a skill you wish to improve, you can sacrifice your wages to get better far faster. The more your pay, the faster you improve, but it must be a fair / reasonable wage for the work you’re doing, and you can’t whammy someone to pay you more just to increase your experience gains. This won’t work for tasks that are ‘just for practice’, or that you pay yourself for.
400 cp - Continuous Study
The longer you spend focused on improving a single thing, the more rapid your progress will be. For every subjective hour you spend, your learning rate will slowly increase. The primary limit to this, aside from how fast you can turn the pages or get new study material, is burn out. Generally speaking, you can’t study the same thing for more than a week (subjective time) straight, but by the end of that week you’ll be making far more progress than you were at the beginning. Food and sleep will not reset this, but taking a break to play videogames will (unless you’re trying to get good at videogames). Time spent eating or sleeping does not count towards increasing your study rate.
200 cp - Eleminions
A good wizard never enters into a fist fight himself, but instead sends minions to do it for them. You now have some method of creating minions to go forth and do the stuff you’re too lazy to. It could could be golems, it could be hypnosis, it could be zombies. It could be a full on elemental - if this, it starts at lowest tier - or anything, honestly. Heck, if you were desperate, you could steal some clothing store mannequins and dress them in combat gear. If your minions and you share an elemental affinity, they are more powerful, more loyal, and all around more cheerful to be with you.
400 cp - Illusion Technician
While not a master-master at making illusion barriers, you are far more accomplished at them than most others. From empowering certain elements, to debuffing those who do not meet certain requirements, to creating a time dilation effect, you can make a minimum of a shoddy version of every effect. Actually making these effects worthwhile will take a little doing. Illusion Technician automatically upgrades Instant Dungeon to the permanent version for free.
200 cp - Abyss Auction Account
Sooner or later in your stay, you will encounter the Abyss Auction, the Amazon of Urban Fantasy, buyer and seller of amazing objects. With this perk, it will now follow you to future jumps, gaining appropriate inventory every jump, at only slightly marked up prices, but don't expect anything you couldn't otherwise buy in setting. In later jumps, this is accessible only by you and your companions, via any computer, Internet optional. The auction can get things from past jumps, but only from this jump onward, and the prices quickly go through the roof the farther back in your chain you try to buy from. Five jumps back would bankrupt nations.
Free cp - [Gamer’s Collection]
Everybody, from the lazy kid in the back of the class, to the teacher, needs to relax sometimes. For that reason, you have a decent supply of games to fall back on when you need to see things run around in panic after being set on fire. Comes with a high class laptop, a half dozen mmo’s, and assorted other games. Also a handheld and some games for that as well. Time spent playing games on these units is reduced by a factor of 4 (i.e. you can spend 4 hours gaming and only 1 hour real time will pass).
Free - [Gamer’s Basic Spells]
These books detail the usage of a few different buffing spells, from minor regeneration to boosts to your speed and strength. A clever magician might spend a few weeks learning them, or maybe just specialize in just one. Of course, it all depends on if they have the Mana to use them all at once.
Player’s Party x2 (-100)
House Rule Import (-200)
Origin: Player Two
Perks: Gamer’s Mind (-300); Gamer’s Titles (Free); Gamer’s Body (-300)
Items: Gamer’s Basic Spells (Free); Mastery Weapon (-100); Great Labyrinth Mobile Game (-100)
Drawbacks: Abyss Gazed Back (0 CP)
Origin: Player Two
Perks: Gamer’s Mind (-300); Gamer’s Titles (Free); Gamer’s Body (-300)
Items: Gamer’s Basic Spells (Free); Mastery Weapon (-100); Great Labyrinth Mobile Game (-100)
Drawbacks: Abyss Gazed Back (0 CP)
Origin: Player Two
Perks: Gamer’s Mind (-300); Gamer’s Titles (Free); Gamer’s Body (-300)
Items: Gamer’s Basic Spells (Free); Mastery Weapon (-100); Great Labyrinth Mobile Game (-100)
Drawbacks: Corrupted Save File (0 CP)
Origin: Player Two
Perks: Gamer’s Mind (-300); Gamer’s Titles (Free); Gamer’s Body (-300)
Items: Gamer’s Basic Spells (Free); Mastery Weapon (-100); Great Labyrinth Mobile Game (-100)
Drawbacks: Abyss Gazed Back (0 CP)
Origin: Player Two
Perks: Gamer’s Mind (-300); Gamer’s Titles (Free); Gamer’s Body (-300)
Items: Gamer’s Basic Spells (Free); Mastery Weapon (-100); Great Labyrinth Mobile Game (-100)
Drawbacks: Abyss Gazed Back (0 CP)
Origin: Player Two
Perks: Gamer’s Mind (-300); Gamer’s Titles (Free); Gamer’s Body (-300)
Items: Gamer’s Basic Spells (Free); Mastery Weapon (-100); Great Labyrinth Mobile Game (-100)
Drawbacks: Abyss Gazed Back (0 CP)
Origin: Player Two
Perks: Gamer’s Mind (-300); Gamer’s Titles (Free); Gamer’s Body (-300)
Items: Gamer’s Basic Spells (Free); Mastery Weapon (-100); Great Labyrinth Mobile Game (-100)
Drawbacks: Abyss Gazed Back (0 CP)
Origin: Player Two
Perks: Gamer’s Mind (-300); Gamer’s Titles (Free); Gamer’s Body (-300)
Items: Gamer’s Basic Spells (Free); Mastery Weapon (-100); Great Labyrinth Mobile Game (-100)
Drawbacks: Abyss Gazed Back (0 CP)
Origin: Player Two
Perks: Gamer’s Mind (-300); Gamer’s Titles (Free); Gamer’s Body (-300)
Items: Gamer’s Basic Spells (Free); Mastery Weapon (-100); Great Labyrinth Mobile Game (-100)
Drawbacks: Abyss Gazed Back (0 CP)
Flash → Fukune
Origin: Player Two
Perks: Gamer’s Mind (-300); Gamer’s Titles (Free); Gamer’s Body (-300)
Items: Gamer’s Basic Spells (Free); Mastery Weapon (-100); Great Labyrinth Mobile Game (-100)
Drawbacks: Abyss Gazed Back (0 CP)
Origin: Player Two
Perks: Gamer’s Mind (-300); Gamer’s Titles (Free); Gamer’s Body (-300)
Items: Gamer’s Basic Spells (Free); Mastery Weapon (-100); Great Labyrinth Mobile Game (-100)
Drawbacks: Abyss Gazed Back (0 CP)
+ 000 - Abyss Gazed Back (Potentially Mandatory for [Player Two] )
I may have lied just a teeny bit, when I said you probably weren’t an interesting target to the Abyss. Because for someone, somewhere, you just became the hottest selling item they didn’t know they needed. Expect them to send out a small army of snatchers to try and catch you. Maybe as a slave, maybe to farm your mana. And if you do manage to beat that small army, and convince them to give up? Someone stronger, richer, or smarter will pop up in their place, repeat as needed. Being caught isn’t a chain ender, but it is liable to get you tortured for the remainder of your time here.
+200 cp - You Really Have to Wear the Ears
You have to wear a pair of costume bunny ears for the duration of the jump. Yes it’s embarrassing, no I don’t care. If you remove them you’ll lose all your powers until you put them back on. Good news is, they’re utterly indestructible. People don’t start off knowing that you have this weakness, but I suspect they’ll learn quickly.
+200 cp - Unknown Elements
Whenever you are exposed to an element you don’t have a specific affinity for (i.e. you have no powers with that element as the keyword of) you will lose a significant percentage of your overall power. Elements need not be limited to just the classical Fire, Water, Air, & Earth, as Cloud, Rain, Storm, Darkness, and many other elements exist in this world. The effect persists until you are no longer in contact with that element or no longer in a zone dominated by that element.
+200 cp - On The Bus (incompatible with Under The Bus)
You have a massive problem with learning new things. But, it’s not just learning new things. It’s also lifting weights to get stronger, or even leveling up. Basically, if you want to improve yourself, it’ll take one hundred times as much effort.
Yes, I took way more stuff than I could normally affort. As such I used up 1150 banked CP for this, leaving me with 3600 CP left in the bank. But I also decided I may as well game this a bit. As such, I Mail Ordered again.
The Grind [600cp] (TG Drive Generic Isekai): You were born for the grind. You live it, and you love it. Your character was max level long before you found yourself in the game, and now you get to enjoy the benefits. Each of your basic attributes is at, or near cap, and your proficiency with your skills is absurdly high. You are, in short, really strong. Your experience grinding your character up to cap has also given you considerably insight on how to train efficiently, making all future grinding twice as efficient as it would otherwise be.
Skill Book Crafting (Human) [-400] : With the expenditure of a small amount of mana and a five minute ritual, you can copy any skill known by the target of the ritual, including yourself, into an item, usually a book. Anyone can then use the item to gain that skill at base level, but the item is one-use. The target’s skill is not diminished by the ritual, though it requires you to sit unmoving for its full duration, and some means of designating the target, such as a blood sample or line of sight.
Limit Break (Summoned) [-400] : Every attribute and skill normally has a maximum level, after which it can no longer be improved. This skill allows you to surpass those natural limits, progressing and developing your strength and skills indefinitely. No longer will you find your progress stymied by a status window filled with nines- they will always roll over to add a new digit.
Yes, I just absolutely cheated the fuck out of the system. By using a completely different jump that still had a very close tie to the two jumps I was already jumping into due to the Isekai and gaming aspects of some builds and perks it contained.
I was about to ring it up, now another 1400 CP poorer, when Jump-chan leaned over my shoulder. “Ugh, you’re one of those min-maxer aren’t you? Well, I guess you did choose thematically in this case at least.” Noted the goddess before snapping her finger. “There, never say I don’t give you at least some manner of reparation for this particular poll, enjoy the discount.” She stated before vanishing in a flash. To my surprise, the three perks I bought had suddenly lost half their cost as if discounted. Which I may add, is a bit surprising.
I gave a small prayer in thanks to Jump-chan, this was a great help. So I now only lost 700 CP rather than the 1400 I had originally to pay, which was nice. I mean, it was kinda cheesing but now I had the perfect stuff I needed to complete this jump with a modicum of ease without risking my daughter, my friends, or anything else really.
Inuyasha may be wrought with danger, but at least it’s no damn Dragonball Z!

I sighed as I woke up, feeling the memories and personality slid all into place in my mind.
I was Naomi, a Kuro Inu Hanyou and daughter of Sakata Roshito, a General under Inu no Taisho who had died when I was 30 years old. I was currently 185 years old, in contrast, and was the current head of the Konohana Clan, my clan. This was due to me being the only child of the last clan head and my clan being a lot more open to the idea of Hanyou than most Youkai clans these days.
Like most of Inu Youkai blood, I was a wanderer and had picked up a pack of my own, even a family actually. Despite my age I was parent to two children, Hanyou like myself who were obviously Michelle and Angelica’s insert identities, Mikasa and Aika. I had a wife in Chiharu, a Miko who was obviously Cristine, and I had impregnated her because, apparently, Naomi can also gender shift at will.
Yup, still Gender Fluid.
Anyway, me and my pack worked as Mercenaries and… Wait, where is my knowledge of this setting? I only know that I had seen bright lights shoot from this direction, where I knew my father’s liege’s Hanyou son had been sealed 50 years ago, stupid prat, but that was all.
Okay everyone, anyone remember anything about this setting outside of in-setting memories?” I called out to the rest, who were now also waking up.
Chiharu, who had shared her Futon with Mikasa and Aiko, sat up and blinked, before shaking her head. “No, I know what we purchased but other than that, nothing.” She admitted, confused as she looked around.
Purchases, yeah. I knew that this was a double jump, two documents combined in other words. I knew one was The Gamer, and that it made us a huge target due to the Drawback we had to take. But the other I only knew vaguely what we had purchased and that was all. Next to me lay my daughter’s swords, forged from fangs my father had obtained from two dragons and which he had entrusted to me along with the Katana he had obtained from Totosai the Blacksmith for me.
I had then asked Totosai to forge the two fangs into swords for my daughters after their birth and the result were great blades in their own right.
We’re the oddest mercenary band in all of Japan, aren’t we?” Asked Kazami, standing up and frowning as she surveyed our surroundings while the quartet of young Kitsune, Aiko, Biwako, Junkichi and Ni, were also waking up with Ni being the sleepiest, I suspected the young age of her import personality made it a bit harder on her to wake up right then.
Well, maybe we should be continuing on the path we were on, that village isn’t far. They may be willing to hire so we can figure things out.” I noted, and got general consensus from the rest as we begun to pack up and put our belongings into our respective Inventories. This was one of the most useful things ever, I swear.
And thus, we set out into the unknown world we were now in. I had no idea how much in the thick of it we would be.