Friday, January 10, 2020

It's Time to Jump! Jump 1: Chapter 5:

Chapter 5: To Sunny Shores

It was almost at the end of the League activity month that my family and I moved from Kanto.
If you’re wondering, I skipped participating this year and instead took the month the League was open as a vacation from Training instead.
Where did we move? Hoenn Region.
Littleroot Town, to be exact. We got ourselves a small, two-story house with a few rooms and lived not far from Professor Birch’s own home, the resident Pokémon Expert of the Region. His lab was more toward the South of the town though.
Two days into our completing the moving part of moving here I found Professor Birch running circles in the Northern Route. Apparently he had gotten into a fight some Poochyena and was now losing it. Badly. The Poochyena in turn lost no less when faced with an adult Charizard and wet it’s fur in fear before turning tail so fast it got whiplash from it’s own tail.
After we talked I decided that, since I was quite literally in another Region that was far more removed from Kanto, I may as well see if I can go through here without using Chuchu and the rest all the time. To that end Doctor Birch agreed to give me one of the Starter Pokémon he had on hand, which were Treeko and Torchic as his son Brendan had already taken Mudkip.
I chose Torchic, I liked it’s looks better than Treeko to be honest. The rest of my Pokémon were in their Pokeballs, locked outside my team, and Chuchu’s Pokeball was too, though she did stay outside despite this and was taking care of her egg, the one of herself and Red’s Pikachu.
Still not interested in regaining those memories.
Anyway, with my new little friend on my side, naming him Flash, and Chuchu relegated to Anti-Swarm/Nursing duty, I set out for the next town over where the professor’s son was apparently researching for him in the field on Route 103 and he wanted me to go there, as a test for both of us. I used the time I had on Route 101, which was the one between Littleroot and Oldale Town, to train up Flash out here and see what he could do.
As it turned out, he was pretty much standard for Starters like him. On my way through the Route he learned, by my already expert tutelage, Flamethrower far earlier than he should be able to, likewise his Scratch gained some serious bite to it. Of the wild Pokémon I encountered I caught myself a Zigzagoon and a Wurmple, naming them Zag and holding off on the Wurmple’s name since I knew it could evolve into two different lines but not what the deciding factor would be.
Arriving at Odale Town I found that it was pretty much no bigger than Littleroot Town. There was a main exit to the West and another to the North, leading to Routes 104 and 103 respectively. I checked in on the Pokémon Center of the town and had them check on Flash and the others, Chuchu hadn’t gotten to fight since I left Littleroot so she was fine.
I headed North first, part of me wanting to test this Brendand and another wanting to appease the Professor who had asked for this. I found him a ways to the North end of the West side of the Route, which was separated from the majority of the Route by a large river.
Brendan was a young boy, 10 years of age and yes I can say that since I’m now 12 myself. He had short brown hair that was mostly covered by a white hat with a green sweat band around his forehead. He also wore a black and red jacket, black pants and had a yellow bag on him with a single Pokeball, his Mudkip, at the ready.
He also had a notepad on him which he later showed me to contain sketches of various Pokémon, such as a Mightyena pair with a litter of Poochyena. It was adorable especially since he even showed me where he had found them and where he hid to make it.
Regarding our Pokémon Battle, even with my handicap of using only a fresh Pokémon like Flash and only one of my Pokémon, there was still a rather massive difference in powerlevel between our Pokémon as well as a massive gap in our skill level.
I mean, I completed the Gym Challenge of two Regions and got through to the fourth member of the Elite 4 in Kanto. Allow me to boast just a bit, okay?
His Mudkip did put up a good attempt at fighting but apparently he hadn’t trained it well at this point yet and between my now fully developed telepathy making verbal commands redundant, my superior experience and the hard training I put Flash through to prepare for this.
After the aforementioned visit to the Pokémon den, we parted ways, with him returning to Littleroot Town and me heading back to Oldale Town. Flash was, obviously, very happy to have been so successful but needed some rest, so we stayed in the town overnight.
The next day I headed to the Western side of Town only to stop when I saw another of those Pokémon nerds, and Arceus do I see them often, crawling on the ground as if examining something. Getting closer I noticed that he was examining footprints. Human footprints. That were all over the area around the city gate.
Um, mister? Can I pass?” I asked, trying to be polite to the boy who was basically examining his own footprints. It was kinda sad.
Go away! Can’t you see that I’m busy examining these footprints? They’re from a rare Pokémon and once I figure out how it keeps making new ones while I’m not looking, I will catch it!” Declared the boy, clearly he had been hit on the head a few times too many as a kid.
To me that looks like the imprints of sneakers. Compare them to your own if you want.” I pointed out and that stopped him.
What? That’s nonsense! Let me inform you, I graduated from Pokémon Advanced Institute at the top of my class! And since I graduated a month ago there is no way that I could make such a mistake with all the lessons still fresh in my mind!” Boasted the bespectacled maniac as if being fresh out of a theory-based school meant anything really.
And I have 16 Badges from two different Regions, and 78 Pokémon, 49 different species in total. Of those, 9 are legendary Pokémon. I’ve been already traveling for two full years and believe me, those are shoes.” I stated firmly, frowning at the man. He was acting a bit too high-and-mighty for my tastes.
Hah! An obvious lie! If you were such a great trainer then you would’ve evolved your Pikachu already! Pikachu are unevolved Pokémon and any Trainer with a brain would instantly evolve one into Raichu because unevolved Pokémon are nothing but a burden!” Declared the man, pointing his finger at Chuchu, and I could hear the jackhammer he was hitting my rage button with.
I almost feel sorry, that someone would burden you with such a worthless Pokémon instead of providing you with a powerful, evolved Pokémon. But I guess that is what happens when you’re lazy and skip out on attending a proper Trainer school.” He stated dismissively, and I snapped.
The next thing I knew was that the self-rightous prick was embedded two inches deep into the wall of the closest house, surrounded by telekinetic energy as I glared at him. “Never, ever, insult Chuchu in front of me you naive, retarded piece of shit. Pikachu evolve from Pichu, a Baby Pokémon. And they only evolve if the Trainer wants them to and I never saw a reason to do it because Chuchu has yet to even come close to being overwhelmed by fully evolved Pokémon. I’ve bested Trainer leagues ahead of you without needing to evolve all of my Pokémon because I am simply better in every way imaginable, than you.” I stated coldly before letting go, turning around.
I then made a point to flatten the entire area with telekinesis, removing all of his precious footprints, and went on my way. I needed some wild Pokémon to let off steam on.

I sighed contently as I set up camp, those Zubat just come in time for me to vent.
Chuchu looked a tad terrified when I grabbed the entire swarm and smashed them into one big ball before playing basketball with them, using a few as the giant basket for the giant ball. They would survive, no worries, they’re just thoroughly beaten up now.
Setting aside this fact, we were roughly halfway to the closest city, which is Petalburg City. And I had this odd feeling that hoping to earn my first badge there was wishful thinking. It was never this simple to get my first Badge. Viridian City had been closed for example, and there was a huge distance between me getting into Johto and reaching Violet City to challenge Falkner.
So yeah, I doubt this will be any different.
I was about to call it a night when rustling alerted me to something in the bushes. A quick Aura scan showed a psychic presence, small, scared. Clearly a young psychic-type Pokémon. “Come out, I won’t bite.” I called to the small Pokémon which made the bushes quiver a moment but, after a second, it emerged from the bushes.
The Pokémon was a white color, I wasn’t sure if this was fur or not but it had very wide feet and was entirely white with the exception of the head, which was covered in what looked like green hair in a bob cut. From this emerged a pair of horns on the front and the back of the little Pokémon’s head. I couldn’t see the eyes though, as those were covered by it’s hair.
If I’m not mistaken, you’re a Ralts, right?” I asked, curious about the relatively rare Pokémon here. They were known for their shy nature, only appearing to people if they felt no hostile intent from them. Scanning I couldn’t find the little one’s potential family, certainly a Gardevoir and it’s mate wouldn’t leave such a young Ralts on it’s own. But I couldn’t find any hint.
Did you get separated from your family?” I asked, looking at the small Pokémon that looked rather scared but it nodded. I considered for a moment, then sighed. “You know what? If you want, you can stay with us until we find them. I don’t like the idea of leaving you on your own out here.” I stated, smiling at the small Pokémon who looked a bit concerned, but ultimately come over to my sleeping bag where I invited it in.
Well, this is gonna be an unusual morning, eh?” I asked, smiling at the small Psychic/Fairy-type before closing the zipper of the sleeping bag a bit and taking the Ralts into my arms. “Have nice dreams.” I whispered soothingly before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

The next morning I set out with the Ralts as my guide. He knew the local woods better than me and it was now brighter outside.
I tried to keep my eyes open for anything of note and even caught a Taillow, a local Flying-type Pokémon that many considered the Hoenn Pidgey in most aspects. It wasn’t inaccurate to be honest, seeing as they share the same type and are roughly similar in size. Though Taillow only evolves once.
I even relented on my lock out of two of my Pokémon, Storm and Hedwig, to help search for the Fairy-type family.
It was just after midday that Hedwig come back to alert me to something, so I hurried over with Ralts. Based on the urgency, I skipped the rules. Because knowing drawback fiat, this wasn’t going to be simple.
Stop resisting already you stupid animal!” That voice, triggered me.
Arriving in a nearby clearing I saw Storm also arriving and a group of man and a woman in blue pants and black-White stripped shirts trying to force a Gardevoir and two Kirlia, Ralt’s next evolved form before it’s final evolution, into a cage with a beaten up Gallade and two more Kirlia inside. They had a pair of red, lobster-like Pokémon with them.
Hey what are you doing there!” I called angrily, stepping into the clearing they were in.
The woman, who was like the rest wearing a bandana in blue with a A-like skull on it, turned to me. She frowned as she saw me, then sniffed. “Get out of the way brat, we’re gathering Pokémon for Team Aqua and anyone interfering will be taken down.” Stated the woman, clearly expecting some fearful response or something.
Who in the hell is “Team Aqua”? Let me guess, some kinda highly illegal organization using Pokémon for their own selfish needs, who steal Pokémon and you genuinely think you have a right to. Great, another Team Rocket.” I grumbled the last part as I had just finished Team Rocket mostly off not even that long ago!
What did you just say? Did you compare us, who seek to improve this world by increasing the oceans, source of all life, to these petty criminals?” Asked the woman angrily and I gave her a flat look.
Oh sorry, I misunderstood. You’re not the Yakuza, you’re Eco Terrorists.” I stated in a tone so flat, a single sheet of paper is thicker.
Why you-!” Growled the woman, already seething at that insult to her Organization. I didn’t care. “Take that brat down! Now!” Ordered the woman as the obvious low-level Grunts begun throwing forward their Pokeballs, releasing Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Zubat and Corphish, which were a small, lobster-like Pokémon species. The bigger ones were Crewdaunt, their evolved form and part Dark-type.
Storm, teach them the meaning of your name with Gust.” I stated coldly, not even bothering to release anything else as Storm swooped down from above and gave a great flap of her wings. Even among Pidgeot she was colossal, easily twice the average size of her species with a wingspan of five meters. So, you can imagine the kind of hurricane a simple “Gust” causes from a League-grade Pidgeot of that size.
Holy crap, that’s a big Swellow.” Muttered one of the Grunts dumbly as it rained defeated Pokémon around the area.
Wrong Region, my name’s Yellow, I originally come from Pallette Town in Kanto and this is Storm, my Pidgeot.” I stated, crossing my arms over my now developing A-cup breasts, I was not envious of that woman, not at all. Especially with what kind of bitch puberty had been when it hit last month with my period.
Said woman was greatly irritated. “What do I care about your stupid bird? The world belongs to the sea and thus this land dwelling bird is useless!” Declared the woman, grabbing a Superball from her belt. “Pelipper! Go!” Declared the woman as a large, pelican-like Pokémon appeared and was joined by the Crawdaunt. It had a large, yellow bill that bulged at it’s underside, running all the way down there, white plummage and a crest that was topped in blue. It had also blue flippers and black eyes with a white stripe through it’s middle.
Go Crawdaunt/Whiscash!” Declared two more of the Grunts, sending out another Crawdaunt along with a large, catfish-like Pokémon in dark blue with two long whiskers. This was the Water/Ground-type Whiscash which looked as mean as it’s companions.
So you’re betting on that Pelipper countering Storm’s strength? You’re delusional.” I stated coldly, but gave a mental command to stand down before grabbing a particular Pokeball. “Let’s show you just how far out of your league I am, shall we?” I asked before throwing upward the Pokeball.
Wait a second, a Charizard?!” Exclaimed the woman as Blaze materialized, sending a gust flame from his mouth into the air in a show of dominance.
Yup, this is Blaze, and he can grill your fishies.” I stated smugly, as Blaze’s glare focused on his foes at hand who looked just a tid off the “Pissing my gills” side of scared.
W- whatever! Everyone, Hydropump!” Declared the woman as their combined Pokémon prepared.
Blastburn!” I commanded in return and Blaze showed these noobs why Team Rocket quit, his fire move completely vaporizing their own water-type moves, before engulfing the whole lot of them and sending them screaming, set on fire, before they fell unconscious.
Wow, I’ve seen Team Rocket grunts put up more of a fight.” I noted with a raised eyebrow, it was true, there were some super elite Grunts that could still put up more of a fight than this group. Considering that woman was clearly a Admin or at least a high-ranking grunt, that said a lot.
Grr! Retreat! These Pokémon aren’t worth it!” Shouted the woman before the entire entourage returned their Pokémon to then turn and run.
Thunderbolt.” I said uncaringly, sending them blasting off by Pika express. “Ugh, stupid poacher criminals, every time I see them they look exactly as cartoonishly stupid as possible.” I commented with a groan, then turned to the family of Pokémon who looked between shock, relief and fear. The Gallade, likely my little companion’s father, tried to stand but he was paralyzed so likely one of their Pokémon knew Thunderwave.
Calm down everyone, I don’t mean you harm. This Ralts is one of your children right? I found them last night wandering into my campsite and we’ve been searching for you this whole morning.” I explained, showing the little fairy who I was still holding in my arms. Not possessively, but like I was holding a small child, which was basically what I was doing.
Your heart shows you speak the truth human, but why aid us?” Asked the Gardevoir, speaking by telepathy to me. “Aren’t you a trainer like them? Don’t you wish strong Pokémon to fight for you?” Asked Gardevoir, obviously concerned still by my strength as a Trainer.
I was about to answer when a call echoed from above and I watched in surprise as Ho Oh landed near us in the clearing, soon followed by Lugia and Celebi of all Pokémon. Said little sprite threw me a silver and gold Pokeball, giggling.
Lord Ho Oh? Lady Lugia? You speak in this one’s favor indeed?” Asked the Gardevoir, I suspected she did so out of courtesy for me.
Ho Oh and Lugia nodded and I smiled, thankful for their show of trust in me. I let Ralts down who looked a bit curiously but ultimately nodded, smiling as it ran to it’s family. I watched them, smiling. Team Aqua, sounded like I’d have to look out for those psychos.
After a momento of letting them calm down I approached, having taken out a Full Restore from my bag along with some food I knew to be favored by Psychic-type Pokémon like them. I used the Full Restore on the Gallade then handed out the food while taking my own food out along with that of my Pokémon.

It was another 20 minutes before we parted ways with them, the family teleporting me to Petalburg City but before I could leave, the Ralts walked up to me. As I looked at the little psychic questioningly, Gardevoir approached me.
My daughter has expressed a wish, young trainer. To travel with you. I must admit, as her mother I would prefer not to part with her, but it is in our nature to seek strong trainers to follow and learn under. And you have proven both virtuous enough to trust, and powerful enough to be worthy.” Explained the Gardevoir and I, honestly, didn’t expect this.
That’s how I got my hands on Amy, my own little Ralts. And Oh Boy, did I have a blast teaching her about psychic powers.
However, at Petalburg I was told, by the Gym Leader Norman, that while he wouldn’t hesitate to accept my challenge if I brought my normal team, he didn’t want to take a stab at Pokémon that were greener behind the ears than Amy’s hair He told me to come back after earning four badges at least.
Another reason was that he had just told his own daughter, May, the exact same thing not long before after she had come by from Newbark Town and helped a local boy catch his first Pokémon, a Ralts. I had just missed them apparently and May had been in company with a Treeko. Three guesses where that one come from.
With my challenge turned down at Petalburg City, the next Gym was at Rustburo City to the North-West and through Petalburg Woods. As such, I set out. The way to the woods was, relatively speaking, uneventful. There was a beach leading to the sea route connecting to Dewford Town, which had another Gym.
On the way I met some rather… well they’re friendly enough, though that rich guy in blonde kinda got a far too overblown confidence in his Zigzagoon. I beat him and got a lot of money for basically bullying all things considered. In the woods things went pretty much as by Viridian Forest standards, lots of Bug Catchers and some younger trainers.
It was good practice and at this point my Wurmple evolved, it had been morning of our second day staying in the forest and she evolved into Silcoon, which my Pokedex provided, would evolve into Beautifly. For that reason I decided to name her Beauty, as a small joke on her final evolution’s name.
It was nearly at the end of the woods that I met, once again, some issue. “Oh hello! Are you a trainer? You wouldn’t happen to have seen some Shroomish, I love these little Pokémon and have been searching for hours!” Explained the overly enthusiastic man who was not dressed for the occasion, wearing business clothes and carrying a package in his arms.
I was about to say no, I hadn’t seen any so far, when a voice interrupted our conversation. “There you are!” Looking past the man I saw another man, this one wearing the uniform of Team Aqua, panting and glaring at the business man as if the guy had kicked his Poochyena. “I was going to ambush you at the forest exit, but you had to keep running around these stupid woods!” Declared the man and I had to wonder how confident he had to be to say this out loud. Then again, this was a forest.
Now hand over those Devon Wares before I have to take them!” He shouted angrily and I frowned. I didn’t need to be a (albeit limited) precog to know that I didn’t want this man to have whatever he was after.
H- Help!” Yelped the man, running behind me in fear. “P- please help me, I’m not a trainer and I can’t let this man have these items, they’re special components for Slateport’s shipyards!” He explained and I nodded, stepping forward.
I didn’t need you to ask me to help, these Team Aqua Punks are too much like Team Rocket for my tastes and I have a “Beat first, Ask Never” policy with those kinds of guys.” I stated, taking Flash’s Pokeball from my belt. No need to get out anything bigger against what was quite frankly, nothing more than a low level grunt.
Playing the hero you brat? I show you what happens when you mess with Team Aqua! Go Poochyena!” He declared, throwing forward his Pokeball from which appeared the dark-type.
I sighed, knew it. “Go Flash.” I ordered, throwing forward the ball of my small Torchic who landed on the ground, poofing up his feathers in a show of dominance that made him, despite being smaller than a Poochyena, look more intimidating than the small dog.
Tzk, a Fire Pokémon? What a waste of choice. Go Poochyena! Bite!” Ordered the man and his Pokémon charged, it’s fangs flashing with dark-type energy.
Flamethrower!” I ordered in return and, before he could react, Flash fired the stream of fire at the small quadruped, torching it in seconds and causing it to faint as soon as the fire faded.
Eh?! What? How?” He exclaimed in shock at seeing his Pokémon go down in one hit and I crossed my arms before snorting.
You’re literally the bottom rank, aren’t you? Even that woman that I beat back on 104 with her entourage did a better job.” I stated dismissively as the man recalled his Poochyena.
Ugh, I would love to say that I’m not done yet, but I’m all out of Pokémon. Therefore I’ll have to retreat for now, but this isn’t over yet, I just have to get them from the company itself!” He declared, before throwing a smokebomb onto the ground before I could do anything to stop him.
Thank Arceus, that’s over.” Said the man as he finally saw that the danger was over. “Thank you young lady, I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been here, or what that man even wanted with these parts. They’re for a ship construction project in Slateport City and- no wait, that’s not important. I must give you something as compensation, here, I’m not sure if it will be useful to you, but please take this.” He stated, handing me a small bag that, upon examination, contained around 20 Pokeballs. I hadn’t seen this variant yet which was interesting, 10 of them being white with black patches and orange highlights, and another 10 being topped in green with brown stripes over it.
These are Turnballs and Nestballs, the newest invention of Devon Corporation. Turnballs have an increased catch rate the lower the stress of a Pokémon is, so the sooner you throw the ball at the Pokémon, the better. The Nestball on the other hand build’s off the difference in strength between your Pokémon and the wild Pokémon, becoming increasingly more effective the weaker the wild Pokémon is compared to your own.” Explained the man and I nodded, that did sound interesting.
Wait, mister, didn’t that grunt just say he was going to try to get these parts at your company directly?” I asked, remembering finally what that man had said.
That made the man panic a bit and run off to warn the guys at his headquarters. I made my way meanwhile through the rest of the forest, even encountered and caught a Shroomish who I named Spore. Why? Because he’s a mushroom and has Spore Carrier as his ability.
Getting out of the forest I found a flower boutique not far from it along with some berry patches. I got a “Berry Care Package” as a promotional gift from them. It consisted of six little containers with fertile soil in which berry trees could be grown. They were rather advanced in design as they were larger on the inside and would dispense their berries once they were mature.
Across the large lake at the center of the Route 105 Northside by using a bridge, I fought my way through a pair of twins who insisted on a double battle, along with a couple other Trainers before I got into Rustburo City at last.
The city was pretty large, similar in some ways to Saffron City and sharing it’s holding of a Gym and a large and powerful company’s HQ. That there was a conflict with a criminal Organization brewing was probably just the icing on the cake so to speak.
I got first to the Pokémon Center and got Flash looked at along with the rest of my Pokémon team, before calling up my family to give them a little update on my progress through Hoenn. After having some lunch here I went to see the Gym only to find that, thematically in terms of it’s looks, as well as the description of the Gym Leader, this was a Rock-type Gym.
Yes, I have a Grass-type, but that’s one Pokémon with type advantage and I’m not a greenhorn. I knew that Torchic evolves into a Fighting-type and Flash was close to evolving already, so training for a bit would be nothing other than useful, not to mention that Spore was pretty new to the team.
I trained for about a week, getting Flash to evolve into Combusken and to teach Spore some much needed Grass-type moves including Solar Beam and Sunny Day. Going to Rustburo City Gym I was met with a Gym/Musseum with various fossils on display everywhere. There were also aquarium tanks with some living specimen like Kabuto and Omanyte as well as their evolved forms.
The Trainer that were hired by the Gym to serve as obstacles weren’t hard to get past, they were mostly youngster and Hikers who used Ground and Fighting-type Pokémon. They were also on the First-Gym level, so I suppose Norman may have informed the rest? I had to announce my arrival to the Gym for this after all since they had to call in the various Trainers first and the Gym Leader, Roxanne, apparently taught at the local Pokémon Trainer School.
When I finally arrived at the final field where Roxanne was waiting, I had already tested Spore, albeit only him. I kept Flash as a back-up. “Well, looks like you’ve made it. Welcome to the Gym, Yellow, Norman told me you’d be coming and to not get my End-Game team out since you’re using a Beginner team right now.” Stated Roxanne and I nodded, so it had been done like that huh?
Well, we’ll have a two-on-two match, you can switch your Pokémon out if you want but I can’t. Otherwise it’s the usual “Last Man Standing” rules for Pokémon Battle.” She explained and I nodded to this, it was pretty much the standard really.

20 minutes later found me walking out of the Gym with a fresh and new Badge for my now 17 Badge long collection.
It had ultimately come down to Roxanne’s Nasgnet against Flash with my much faster Combusken tripping the slower Rock-type and pelting it with his Double Kick move. I was just going onto the main street of the city when it happened. “Stop thief!” And the Team Aqua Grunt runs by, followed by the same businessman I had met in the forest.
Yup. That’s gonna be a long one.

So, run-down of what happened. I followed the two down the Northern Route, kicked some more ass, then cornered the wannabe pirate in the cave. Same crook as last time. He got his ass handed to him even worse. He even tried using a Wingull he had stolen previously from a man living at the coast South of Petalburg Woods, but predictably the poor thing didn’t obey it’s captor.
I got the Devon Wares and the Wingull, Pecko, though the guy escaped, again, by throwing the package at me while legging it the hell out of there. At least I had saved what I had wanted to save and returned the Wingull back to it’s Trainer, Mr. Brinney. That’s how I learned that he owned the small hut on the beach as well as the small ship anchored at the dock next to it.
Returning to my friend the helpless employee he thanked me for my helping him again and insisted I meet his boss, Lucas Stone owner of the Devon Corporation. There I was rewarded for my troubles with another two sets of Pokeballs, one being 5 Velozballs, which work best on fast Pokémon, and 5 Diverballs, which work best on Pokémon found fishing or, as the name implies, diving.
They were apparently based off of the similar Apricot Balls I got back in Johto, still had most of them really.
I then was asked if I could deliver a letter to someone at Dewford Town’s Dark Cave and the Devon Wares to the shipyards in Slateport City. I got in exchange a “Pokenav Module” for my Pokegear, apparently it was a experimental upgrade that had a counterpart for Devon Corporation’s Pokémon Navigator to incorporate the functions of the Pokegear.
What this added was, aside of a more detailed Hoenn Map and call compatibility with Pokenav users, a Pokémon Radar that would let out special sound waves that attract wild Pokémon, including ones of higher than average strength or rarity. This was pretty interesting for me to hear, if I was being honest, and I thanked him for this pre-payment idea.
Trecking back to Mr. Brinney’s home took me a small while, around three days of forestry, but I got back eventually and he agreed to help me get to where I had to go. The journey to Dewford Town took us two days on the rather fast boat, Route 105 being largely a straight line to Dewford Town’s island off the coast of Hoenn. We passed the small mountain area that was the home of the cave on our way.
By the way, count of Zubat attacks since I started this new journey: 27. It’s been a month.
At Dewford I went to the local Gym first, it was a Fighting-type Gym and Amy got a good bit of exercise as I had taught her Psychic at this point. It was quite a sight to watch the little, shy and timid Ralts give all of those Machop, Machoke and their cohorts the spanking of a lifetime. When facing Brawley, the local Gym Leader, Amy made short work of his Machop before evolving into Kirlia.
His Meditite and following Makuhita were pretty much flavor more than anything, and thus Amy won me the Knuckle Badge on her own. She got a lot of cuddles and head pats as a reward, not to mention her favorite candy on top of that.
With the Gym done I went to the cave to search for the recipient of the letter, Steven. I would’ve probably gone all the way to the deepest part if I had to, I liked being true to my word, but I found him right at the beginning of the cave, examining some impressive cave mosaics.
They showed two giant Pokémon with the symbols of Alpha and Omega on their appendages, fighting. There was a third Pokémon, not quite visible in the middle between them, seemingly in the sky. I didn’t know what that meant.
Giving him the letter I found that he was Steven Stone, the son of the Devon Corporation president. He explained how the cave paintings were depicting an old legend involving three legendary Pokémon. He didn’t know the exact details, but some old texts spoke of the formation of land and sea themselves.
After that little spiel I went exploring a bit, beat the Zubat another time, caught an Aron and Mawile, naming them Ferra (female) and Cunny respectively.
Huh? Why Cunny? Well, when I first met her, I didn´t know that Mawiles are very good at tricking people using their cute exterior. Yeah, I didn’t see it coming when I got a bit too close and she basically swung that huge jaw thing at me, knocking me over and taking the lunchbox I had with me.
Long story short, I chased her halfway through the cave before Flash knocked her out, I caught her, and got my lunch back. To put it bluntly, I will be working on that attitude for a long time with her, because she has the entitlement of a little princess to her.
At around that time Beauty also evolved into Beautifly, much to my own delight since they are rather pretty Pokémon and I like my butterflies.
The trip to Slateport City after I left the cave took a lot longer than the trip to Dewford Town and we stopped at a half-sunken shipwreck along the way and I went a bit scooba diving in the deeper parts of the Route. I got a Clamperl for my troubles along with a Relicanth, an ancient Water/Rock type Pokémon that wasn’t a fossil, but alive.
I named them Pearl and Granny respectively, yes the Relicanth was female. It also helped me to explore a bit more since having a Water-type that isn’t locked in a Pokeball is always good with swimming.
After about a week since leaving Dewford we arrived in Slateport City’s beach front area where a lot of people were very interested in fighting me.
At least Spore got some serious exercise out of that place. Also, a lot of free Soda for just beating up some local Trainers at the Soda shop on the beach. Getting into the city I found it…
Are you guys… standing in line for the Museum like normal, law abiding citizens? Wow, that’s… odd.” I noted, staring at the large line of Team Aqua grunts who were looking incredibly irritated.
Great, another brat acting as if she’s better than us or knows better than the boss. Wish we weren’t under orders to keep a low profile.” Growled one of the female Grunts, glaring at me.
If you want my advise, get into the next changing cabinet and get out of the ridiculous Halloween costumes, pirates are so last year.” I retorted, yes, I was taunting them at this point. “Anyway, I’m busy, so I deal with you lot of off-brand Team Rocket Rejects another time.” I stated, before turning around and holding a giggle in just long enough to hear the woman scream at someone to let her go.
I found my way to the actual shipyard building, which I had missed since I had gone to the musseum through the market place, West of the shipyard which was South of the museum. There I learned that the guy who was leading the construction project was at the museum for some reason. Don´t ask me why, seriously.
When I got back there the Team Aqua grunts had filed in and were actually looking at all the exhibits of the museum which was about marine sciences, by the way. I guess it fit with their theme or whatever. Finding the guy who was the project manager I handed him the package and… had to defend him from two grunts who may as well have been a pair of grubs, ´cause they were squashed like ones. Then Archie, the Team Aqua boss, come in.
Flipping wannabe pirate that one. But he had heard of me apparently and decided that he won´t risk me bringing out any legendary Pokémon. I didn’t want to do that because this was my “Pseudo-Restart the Journey” journey, not sure if I was going to do this thing more often though.
Anyway, he left with his prose and I was free of responsibilities. I reported in with Mister Stone over my Pokegear and went to the Northern route which connected to the East-side of Route 103 and hourse both the “ Pokémon Mystery House” and the cycling Road, which was overhead.
While I still have my bicycle, I decided to take the nature path below, a natural land bridge without lots of trees. There I met Brendan again and we had a fight. A Pokémon battle, to be more precise. He lost, we parted ways, and I continued to Mauville City, which was a huge enclosed city made of large living areas and a central commercial area.
This city housed the next Gym and the Games Corner which I didn’t play at, no Pokémon to be won. Here I met May at last, the daughter of Norman for those who don’t remember. She was talking with a boy named Wally from Petalburg and his uncle, apparently there was an argument between them about him challenging the Gym. I chimed in, in his favor speaking as a more experienced Pokémon Trainer.
I had a Pokémon battle with both him and May shortly after, where he showed and actual talent for Pokémon battle even though his Ralts (male) hadn’t evolved yet. After this we parted ways with May and Wally, with May leaving for the Pokémon Center and Wally going with his Uncle to Verdanturf Town, where he apparently had gone to due to an illness he has.
As for the Gym, like the Rustburo City gym being a Rock-type Gym like back in Kanto, this Gym was like Vermillion City my third badge city and also had an Electric-type Gym. Luckily I had taught Ferra Earthquake already and she evolved before I got to the Gym Leader, Watson.
The battle was relatively short due to my strategy and I earned the Dynamo Badge for my troubles.
After this he asked if I could do him a favor and visit New Mauville, an abandoned city project he had made and which recently had seen reactor activity. He reasoned that, with me being a multi-League qualifier and young as hell compared to him, I could do it rather easily, especially after solving a similar conundrum back in Kanto.
I ultimately agreed to the deal and brought Serene out of her Pokeball for the first time in quite a while. On the way to the small island where the underground reactor was located I encountered some wild Pokémon but they generally left us alone. Only one Sharpedo was persistent so I caught him, named him Brute because of his kind’s nickname as the Brutal Pokémon.
At the powerplant I made my way through hordes of wild Electric-type Pokémon, including Voltorb, Magnemite and Magneton, and found the reactor guarded by a Lectrode and a Magnezone, Magneton’s evolved form. I managed to beat them both and caught the Magnezone, naming him Zoner, before turning down the reactor to minimum output as Watson mentioned the Pokémon living here feeding off the reactors.
After that was done I went to Verdanturf Town and got my hands on a Pokémon Egg at the daycare just outside the border of Mauville City and after a few days I reached the town, fighting quite a few Trainer along the way.
In the town I found a “Battle Tent”, an installation I had encountered in Slateport too, as well as a Contest Hall. At the Battle Tent one could participate in Pokémon Battles under special rules to win prizes while the contest hall was for Pokémon Contests. It was for the Beginner bracket so it wasn’t that difficult. Here Chuchu learned she had a strange hobby: Cosplay.
She had seen another Pikachu do it and insisted on trying too, at which point she got to experiment and, well, now I’m the owner of a couple closets worth of costumes that Chuchu can somehow use to emulate other Pokémon or use moves she shouldn’t be able to learn.
Seriously, a Mega Lucario cosplay is cute, but how the hell is she able to sense Aura and use Aura Sphere while wearing it?
Anyway, I found Wally at his uncle’s house and he explained that his cousin was at the nearby tunnel to Rustburo City, where her boyfriend was trying to break through. I decided that, if the guy hadn’t been able to break through until now, I would just how to help him.
Long story short, I blasted the thing through and united the two cities through an easier passage. I got for my troubles a Mega Stone, Lucarionite, which the guy had found while digging and it suited me just fine. Mega Stones are Mega Stones, even if I don’t have the respective Pokémon yet.
After this I made my way to Devon Corporation and gave mister Stone the return letter I got from Steven as well as the receipt the ship architect gave me for the delivery. In return I was given a rather interesting device: The Pokémon Transliterator. Or PT for short.
It was one of the prototypes here at Devon Corporation and was intended to translate what Pokémon said. It worked, about 50% of the time. Basically, it’s a sketchy translator for the Pokenav, or Pokegear in my case. It’s translations are kinda literal and make it rather hard to actually understand the meaning at times. But it was still in development so I was happy enough for now.
I also got something Mister Stone had specifically sought for me, a Mega Stone that was just a bit on the overly convenient side: Blazikenite. Which is the Mega Stone to Combusken’s next evolution, Blaziken.
With that sorted out I set out for Lavaridge Town, first through the tunnel, then back to Verdanturf and Mauville City, then went North. On the way I got to the House of a weird family who prided themselves in their strength. I went to town on them one by one and got, aside of prize money, a Shining Stone, which incidentally was required to evolve Togetic into it’s final form. Happy was happy to evolve into Togekiss after all this time.
When did she evolve? Uh, not sure? I don’t usually bring her out for battle much and hadn’t had her on the active roster for quite a while, so she likely evolved at some point between me kicking Team Rocket out of Johto and now. She was plenty powerful anyway so no big deal.
Moving on I challenged the Trainer Tower, which is a 100 floor tower where Pokémon Battles are performed, and went through rather easily all things considered. I got a lot of Battle Points for my troubles, after using my top team that is since this wasn’t a competitive environment fit for my local collection yet. That got me quite a few Rare Candy to give to my Pokémon, which is always a nice thing to have.
After that I went through the rest of the way in around a week to reach the foot of Mt. Chimney, the large volcano at the heart of the Hoenn Region. Lavaridge Town was at the foot of the semi-active fire mountain but the road there was blocked by rubble and I didn’t feel like testing flight under the conditions of a volcano that is still spewing ashes, albeit in the Northern direction, and with all the wild Pokémon around.
Not to mention that my Pokemagus form is still at Dartrix and I wasn’t confident that this form would let me pass through a heavy fire-type zone uninjured or without being caught and I didn’t want to know what an effect that would have on me.
As such I went instead North where a lift was up to the summit and… “Out of Order?” I asked, surprised that not even the mountain lift was working. There was another route, on Route 111 there was a desert that led to Route 113 but the desert was plagued by constant sandstorms that made passage almost impossible without eye protection, not to mention the heat.
So the only route forward and to Farlarbor Town for the sake of making some headway, was the “Fiery Path”, which was a cave through the volcano's side.
As can be expected from a volcanic cave, the place was a sauna. Luckily the Zubat didn’t enter but it was still inhabited by fire-type Pokémon that wanted a go at me. I caught here a Numel I named Combuster, though Ballsy was a close second.
I mean, I had Blastie out to give spray the air a bit and this Numel just walks up and fire a flamethrower at my already Level 100 Blastoise. Tell me that isn’t ballsy as hell so I can knock you out like I did him.
Anyway, after a few hours I made it through the cave and got out into the open air, out of the literal, natural Sauna that is the Fiery Path. I recalled Blastie and deactivated his Pokeball again before setting out once more. Along the route I was being accosted by a few Trainers and got a TM containing Secret Power, which could open random rooms in certain areas to built “Secret Bases” in. Testing this I made myself a nice little home in a tree.
Don’t ask me how that all works.
After passing through large patches of ashy grass on my bike, doing some stunts and getting accosted by wannabe ninja, damsels in ash and other Trainers, I reached the town. Why Damsels in ash? What do you think I made of them? By the way, Flash finally evolved into Blaziken.
In the town I found another Battle Tent along with a Contest Hall where I got another ribbon and beat my way through the tent at full throttle, not much point explaining it here. I then heard of Meorfalls, a mountain range to the South-West of the town that had a lot of meteoric activity over time. I also found that a researcher from this area, Doctor Cosmo, had been hired by a group of strange man in weird costumes to find a meteor with them.
Yes, my alarm bells flipped the fuck out because, who do I know that wears weird costumes but lives in Hoenn? Yup, that’s who I suspected.
So I made my way there, stopping by a hut where a colleague of Bill lived and who he asked me to bring a letter that he sent me over the PC system. Let’s just say that Professor Elm had a more orderly lab than this woman and leave it at that.
Cloudy the Swablu, by the way, joined my Pokémon collection on the way to the mountains.
There I got just into the cave when I watched some grunts, led by a tall man, take the meteor from Doctor Cosmo. Thing is, they’re definitely not Team Aqua, that I knew instantly. Their uniforms, for one, were more elaborate than just a black and white striped T-Shirt with a blue bandana and baggy pants. The pants are still baggy, but now they wear a red overcoat and hood with black horns standing out.
I would find out they’re from Team Magma, literally the opposite of Team Aqua in every way and led my Maxie, said tall guy I mentioned. He’s this red-haired guy in glasses who has the compassion of a rock and thinks he’s the smartest in the room. Yeah, nope.
He and his cronnies escaped however with the meteorite after Archie and Team Aqua showed up and explained that they were trying to stop Team Magma from doing their plans. And he brokered a deal with me to work together. Yikes indeed.
That way I found myself in a Team Aqua helicopter to Mt. Chimney with Archie and a platoon of 20 or so Team Aqua grunts. If someone had told me that I’d be ending up working with these guys last week, I would have laughed at them. I had been given a badge to show that I was an ally of theirs for the moment, so the other three choppers with more grunts and two Admins wouldn’t mistake me for an enemy.
At the summit Archie and co instantly engaged the grunts and Admins as I rushed forward, mostly ignored due to my small stature and still rather childish appearance. One Admin still halted me before I could reach Maxie’s location but I dealt with him easily before confronting the man himself. And he was just as delusional as Archie as it turns out.
Hmph, So you side with Team Aqua against the advancement of humanity? How droll.” Stated the man, staring me down with little emotion as he stood next to a device that looked like a laser of some sort with the Meteor set in it.
Well excuse me for not wanting you to explode the fucking volcano.” I shot back, Flash at my side along with Amy and Chuchu. I would’ve chosen Granny instead of Chuchu but the Volcano would’ve done no favors for the aquatic Pokémon and I may need the muscle that is Chuchu.
Foolish child, this eruption is the key to humanity realizing it’s potential. It will flow down the mountain and give birth to new, fertile land once it meets the sea, expanding the land on which we humans can live.” Stated the man as if it was the natural thing to do or assume.
dunno if you slept through physics class or whatever, but you realize there is a non single-digit chance that the Magma will take Jagged Pass and flow South, hitting Lavaridge Town and probably Mauville City without ever touching the ocean, instead of West where it would still hit Meteorfalls rather than the sea, right?” I shot back in incredulity at just how retarded this plot was. The guy had no idea about how this stuff works, does he?
Nonsense, my calculations clearly show that this will work as intended.” Stated the obviously mad scientist with complete disregard for the safety of human lives that he puts on the line just for a perceived land expansion that wouldn’t even be that impressive.
Great, another idiot with delusions of grandeur for me to put down, wasn’t like I did that twice already.” I stated, quite annoyed by this point because from the looks of it, I would do this twice in this Region.
Fool, you think that you stand a chance just because you bested these imbeciles of Team Rocket? Then I shall educate you on the power I hold!” Declared the man, releasing his first Mightyena.
To cut this short, I utterly obliterated the man’s entire line-up of Pokémon. Between Mega Blaziken Flash, Amy the psychic savant and Chuchu the megavolt package, this didn’t even approach difficult. He fled with his cronies and I got the Meteor, which had been shot with lasers of some sort for a while and now looked kinda weird.
Archie then approached me and thanked me for the help, though he did state that this state of affairs would be temporary as long as I opposed him and his faction. But he would gladly take my assistance whenever we were mutually opposed to Team Magma. Then he and his own team left again.
Going down the mountain side I saw a number of hikers and other Trainers going up, having seen the fleeing criminals. Jagged Pass had been mostly untouched by the fighting and I got to Lavaridge Town where I found out that the normal path to the town had been cleared by now, which was good.
At the town I took advantage of the Hotsprings behind the Pokemon Center, it was the first time I got to one, or rather to an Onsen like this, so I took advantage. Luckily there was none of that naked bathing clishee to be found here so I could go in my bikini instead but it certainly felt good after all the ash, heat and volcanic sulphur I had been exposed to.
Huh? Yellow-senpai? Is that you?” I blinked at hearing this and turned around to find May entering the bath. She was wearing a one-piece suit in yellow and pink and had her hair down.
Oh, hi May-chan, didn’t hear you come in.” I greeted right back, technically I was her senpai, her senior in other words, so it didn’t bother me that she called me that. “How’s it going?” I asked the girl as she got into the water with me.
Pretty well actually, I’ve been trying to get my Pokémon up to snuff and have already three Badges.” She explained and I nodded, smiling.
Heh, congrats. That’s almost half the Badges you need for the League. I guess now it’s off to the Lavaridge Gym huh?” I asked, and she nodded, clearly happy and we then begun to just talk, about our journeys so far, the Pokémon we caught, normal stuff really.
After getting out of the Onsen I went to the Gym while May went back to Jagged Pass for some extra Training. As it turned out, the Gym was a Fire-type Gym led by Flannery, who was a completely new Gym Leader as it seems. She made some attempts to sound cool but ultimately failed at that, but was still a fairly skilled Gym Leader by my experience.
I still managed to win the battle, earning me the Heat Badge. After leaving the Gym I met up with Brendan who gave me a pair of Go Goggles, basically made for Desert Exploration, and we parted ways then.
I departed the town back to Route 111 before heading into the desert, wanting to see if there were any Pokémon of interest to be found there. First up I found a strange structure, an ancient tower that I couldn’t quite explain why it stood there. I let the curiosity get the better of me and climbed it, finding at the top an altar of sorts.
On that altar sat two Mega Stones, ones that looked almost identical and when I checked, had the same Aura with just a hint of difference. Yes, Mega Stones have an Aura, don’t ask me why. Looking at them I contemplated for a moment before grabbing the left one first. I was about to grab the second when the tower begun to shake and, before I could react, the entire structure begun to sink into the ground around me.
In seconds, without me falling to my death even, I found myself standing on the sand of the desert, no tower left, and the Mega Stone I hadn’t grabbed nowhere to be seen.
I swear to Arceus, Jump-chan was behind this.

A few days of desert exploration and digging for the lost stone later I left the area again.
I hadn’t found that stone again but in return caught a Balltoy (Puppet), and a Trapinch (Trapper), both were Ground-types with Puppet having a Psychic subtype. Trapper, by the way, is female as it turns out.
As for that Mega Stone, after some checking the Pokedex had no idea but I was able to ascertain a connection to Bi, aka, Mewtwo. A bit strange deu to Bi being an artificial Pokémon but after some experimentation I managed to Mega Evolve him. The Mega Mewtwo was rather small, his body resembling somewhat more Mew than before with his tail now hanging from his head with a half-halo over the top of it, almost like headphones.
His hands were bigger, he was almost blindingly fast and his psychic powers had basically quintupled in power, which is a scary prospect for a Pokémon that’s already genetically engineered to be OP as fuck as a psychic-type Pokémon can be.
I reported this finding to Professor Oak not much later who was intrigued by the idea, but Bi didn’t want to go to Kanto for a while so that wasn’t in it for him.
I then made my way back to Verdanturf, through there to Rustburo City and then through the Petalburg Woods to Petalburg City itself. Norman was there, along with May after she finished her own Gym Battle. Brendan had also already finished and I found Wally of all people now enshrined in the Gym’s honored Trainer list. This made me smile a bit since the boy had gone on his journey after all.
I challenged Norman at this point, only using my In-Region team against him and managed to defeat him fair and square, albeit with Mega Evolution involved. And with all that set, I had to trek all the way back to Mauville City to leave to the East, because the main Routes to Eastern Hoenn only go through there or through a huge region of strong currents from Slateport City!
Arceus Dang Geography!
Anyway, I got to East Hoenn and was just about to head into the extremely tall grass there, when Steven flew in on a red and white, flying Pokémon of all things.
Ah, good I wasn’t mistaken Yellow.” He started off the conversation, confusingly to be honest.
So, let’s recap. Latias, one of the two legendary Eon Pokémon, is asking for Steven and my help on Southern Isle. We get there, and we find Team Magma and Team Aqua there, squabbling in front of Latios, the other Eon Pokémon, who looks rather angry at them, with a noticeable twitch in the eye. I get it buddy, they’re annoying you to no end being around the island.
The Team groups were made of a young woman with purple hair and a individualized Magma uniform with a male Grunt as her escort, and some huge dude with the Aqua emblem on his chest escorted by a female grunt respectively. Mind you, the grunts look almost sufferingly at their superiors as the young woman is calmly and mechanically counter-arguing against the guy who looks like he could snap her back over his pointer finger.
We promptly wreck the whole lot of them in five seconds flat. And flat’s a good description of their Pokémon after I had let Lax out to play.
After this Latias and Latios thanked us and, to my surprise, handed me Pokeballs. Before returning themselves into them. Yes, that’s their way of thanking me: Catching themselves. After that they gave us a ride back to Route 118 before we parted ways again.
I decided to give those two names too, the Latios become John, and the Latias, his little sister as far as I understood, become Bianca. Why? She liked the name best.
Route 118 soon after this gave way to Route 123 where I found a small farm with berries and an elderly couple. The path to the East was kinda inaccessible and I didn’t really want to try climbing the large ledges to Mt. Pyre on Route 122 so I returned Westward, Fortree City was, after all, waiting up North. That meant going to Route 118 and from there North onto Route 119, which was likely the single-largest land Route in Hoenn.
The Route opened into one of the more tropical areas of the Region with a small rain forest making up the majority of the Route with large waterfalls and a river flowing through. The Route’s Southern entrance led into a large clearing with extremely tall grass, taller than I was, and there were numerous Bug Catcher and Bug Maniacs awaiting within this vegetation, with Bug Maniacs being the kind of Trainer who didn’t grow out of that obsession.
There were some Ninja Boys hidden but those I pretty much beat into submission as easily as the rest, especially since they were using Poison-type Pokémon since I had a couple Pokémon with significant type advantage against them.
I made my way to the river bank and made camp there as it was getting dark. Using the opportunity I cast my fishingrod into the water to see if I could catch anything from there, which was rewarded with an… odd catch. Physically it resembled Magikarp in shape, but it had a brown body with blue fins that looked eaten into. My Pokedex identified it as a Feebas that I heard was very rare, so I caught her.
I named my new fishy friend Cinderella, because if nothing else any Pokémon that looked this beaten up must be pretty tough and may actually become beautiful if cared for.
Oh boy, I had no fucking idea.

Five days through the Route I found my way into the area where a Weather Institute was located.
During this time I had been feeding Cinderella blue Pokeblocks as she liked them best and it seemed to have some positive effects on her appearance, so I didn’t mind that. I was wondering why she seemed almost obsessed with them, but didn’t think about looking it up in the Pokedex.
As for the Weather Institute, another run-in with Team Aqua. Apparently the whole lot of them were trying to find out data on weather patterns and old legends regarding weather manipulating Pokémon for some reason. I beat them all into a pulp, as is my want to do, and got another new Pokémon as a reward. Namely a Castform who I named Forecast. Yes, I’m super imaginative, naming the weather-controlling Pokémon Forecast.
After resting at the institute the way to Fortree wasn’t that long anymore and I arrived at Midday of the day after beating the crap out of that Aqua Admin again. Stupid lady bigger boobs.
In the city I found the Gym’s access, the whole place was largely built in Treehouse style, was blocked by an invisible something that my Silph Scope, good old, reliable Silph Scope, revealed to be a Kecleon, a Pokémon that can adapt it’s coloration to become practically invisible. When it realized that I had been able to identify it, it ran away into the nearby trees.
Instead of bothering with it I continued into the Gym, a Flying-type Gym, and made my way through the whole ordeal. By the time I faced Winona, the Gym Leader, I was just thankful that I had a number of Pokémon with some degree of advantage or, in case of of Bianca, one that could keep up in the air.
It was a 5 on 5 Battle, which was kinda new for the Region’s standards, and after stocking up on items and supplies, I made my way to Route 120 East of here. This Route led South from Fortree and was rainy just as Route 119 had been, also sharing the tropical vegetation and jungle vibe it had.
After two days of travel I met a pair of reporters who insisted on an interview with me, apparently their studio had been trying to contact me for ages but I never stayed long enough for their reporters to find me or something. They basically forced me basically to give them one.
After finally getting away from them I found Steven on a bridge overlooking a large lake and I just watched him catch a Kecleon he had apparently reveaed with something similar to my Silph Scope. He then explained that recent Kecleon activity had been interfering with Trainers and he had come to investigate it, apparently there were signs of something in the cave at the center of the lake disturbing them.
My interest was, naturally, peaked at that and I coerced him into letting me investigate instead of himself doing it, he was busy with stuff and I was here anyway. Getting into the cave wasn’t that hard and I just had to push a lot of rocks around to get deeper and deeper into the thing.
Surprise come when I get into the deepest chamber and find a Pokémon that definitely doesn’t belong here. It was a quadruped with a stocky red body with a grey mask on the face and four-clawed feet. It was radiating some heat but not too much and it wasn’t hard for me to deduce which Pokémon I was facing, haviing looked up legendary Pokémon over time.
Heatran, what is one of those doing in Hoenn so far South from Sinnoh?” I asked, confused as all hell by this turn of events. The whole mess ended with me catching the Heatran to keep it from going volcano on Hoenn in the middle of a rainforest, using a Masterball and Mega Blaziken to deliver the catch.
And now I had a Heatran to buff out my Legendary Pokémon collection.

After about two weeks of more traveling I found myself at Route 121, which led from Route 120’s Southern-most edge into the East. By this point Zag had evolved into a Linoone, Amy into Gardevoir, Combuster into Camerupt and Trapper into Vibrava, a Dragon-type that looks like a dragonfly.
Route 121 leads to Lilycove City, another large city without a Gym in it but a Pokemon Contest Hall, the largest in the Region, and a Battle Tent. Along the way I found the Safari Zone and finally had Chuchu’s Egg hatch into a quirky Pichu. I named him Volty because he seems to have inherited the voltage of his parents.
I didn’t go into the Safari Zone since I didn’t have any interest at the moment to catch another Pokémon there, and was about to head into the last stretch to Lilycove after a three week long journey (please remind me to kick past me in the ass for mistaking Route 119 for the longest single stretch of land), when I noticed a number of Team Aqua Grunts heading in the direction of Mt. Pyre.
Alright man, don’t forget we are here to reinforce Archie’s group, reports say Team Magma is holding us off so be prepared for battle!” Stated the field commander, from what I could tell, as they entered a boat at the pier to go to the large mountain.
Sometimes I feel like I’m catnip for trouble.” I muttered, shaking my head before heading in that direction in Pokemagus form, flying as a Pokémon instead of traveling by Pokémon surfing.
Climbing the mountain wasn’t exactly hard, there were some wild Pokémon and Team Magma and Team Aqua both had a presence, but they didn’t pay much attention to the Dartrix heading for the summit. This served me quite well and I soon arrived at the steps leading to the top of the mountain, changing back into human form before storming in.
The two teams were engaged against one another like on Mt. Chimney but I didn’t pay them much attention as I stormed past, occasionally knocking some out when they got too nosey.
However, I wasn’t able to stop Maxie or Archie, as they both teleported away, shouting insults at each other, using a Abra each. As I learned, what they were after were the Red and Blue Orbs, artifacts that had been guarded by the old couple living here and tending to the shrine and surrounding graves. They were said to hold the power to control and empower each one of two legendary Pokémon, Groudon of Land and Kyogre of Sea.
Yeah, bad news all around if those got in the hands of those psychos.
At Lilycove City, after going through the rest of Route 121, I found the city being occupied by a large number of Team Aqua Grunts, though they seemed to not do anything to the citizens, so I suspected their hideout was in the area. This was confirmed when I overheard some residents complain about Team Aqua setting up shop at a nearby cave in the bay East of the city.
Subtlety wasn’t their specialty, that’s for sure.
However, I wasn’t able to infiltrate the hideout since it was protected by, and I kid you not, a forcefield and a grunt was trying to train some Wailmer in the bay too, locking the exit of the city into the sea.
As such I went to the art museum that was in the North of the city next to the large shopping mall, and got to meet Brendan and May again who challenged me to a fight each. We settled on a 2-vs-2 fight with me on one side and the two of them on the other. This fight was a bit more complicated since they send out their Starter, which both had evolved by now and they both Mega Evolved them immediately.
As a response I decided to cheat, for a lack of a better term, by sending out John and Bianca and Mega Evolving them both too. Thank Arceus I had training.
We won the battle but the strain still knocked me out of commission after that, I don’t mention it enough, but quick reminder: Drawback-induced narcolepsy is a thing with me.
When I woke up I was called to attend the maiden voyage of a undersea exploration vessel, designed to investigate a certain underwater cave, and so I headed by Latias Express to Slateport City. Only thing is, Team Aqua got there first and stole the submarine. I didn’t even have a chance to stop them before they were gone!
However, I was a smart cookie and went to their hideout at Lilycove City. I did as I always do in these situations, I wasted the place, blowing through guard after guard, Pokémon after Pokémon, until I met that bodybuilder from way back when at the submarine port of the hideout. He stalled me long enough for his boss to escape and so I wasted the entire day there. The only positive part of this mess was that I got a Masterball and an Environmental Suit I snatched off of them.
Since I couldn’t exactly give chase at this point, I didn’t even know where exactly they were going, I headed f the next Gym in Mossdeep City, which meant crossing the ocean. To do so I released Granny for a good swim, there were a number of islands along the route and I could finally try and get some tan on me. Luckily my bag was waterproof or I would be in deep trouble.
Along the route were a couple rather popular Scooba Diving spots too, so I took advantage of that.
The journey to Mossdeep itself took roughly one week to complete but when I arrived I could instantly see the famous space center at the top of the city along with the the rest of the city that was build atop a number of cliffs on the island.
Finding the Gym was also rather easy, though it was a Psychic-type Gym. I still fought my way to the Gym Leader, or rather, the Gym Leaders as they were a pair of twins, younger than me. This was a Double Battle, which was unique for Pokémon Gyms as far as I was aware, which made it quite interesting. They used Solrock and Lunatone for their team while I went in with Pearl and Granny after seeing their selection.
The battle was tough, but they weren’t the only psychics around and ultimately I managed to win the battle, though it was fairly close thanks to their unusual rules and me having few Water-types and no Dark-type in my current Hoenn lineup.
After the battle the two invited me to a tour of the space center, apparently their father was an astronaut and their mother was the local director of the space center. That was when Team Magma, and I kid you not, attacked the Space Center. I beat them back, mind you, and they didn’t get the Rocket fuel for their plan of making Mt. Chimney erupt.
I psychically dopeslapped Maxie for that idiot idea.
They left behind a badge with their signature on it, they had to have lost it at some point. That night, while sleeping in the Pokémon Center, I had a dream about Maxie at the Jagged Pass, using this same type of badge to open a secret entrance in the side of the mountain.
Waking up the next morning I knew that this was another vision, and I knew where to go next.
I basically broke into the Magma hideout, guns blazing, and beat my way through dozens upon dozens of grunts and Admins before reaching Maxie. However, while I beat him, again, he managed to use the Red Orb he was holding to awaken the ancient Pokémon that had been sleeping in the same chamber we were fighting in. At which point the Pokémon, Groudon, awoke and hightailed it out of there.
Maxie was, naturally, blind to the problems that could cause.
I later got a message from Steven telling me that there were signs of underwater activity near Mossdeep and to meet him there.
After getting there he explained about a deepsea trench between Mossdeep and Sootopolis City, which was home to a cave that had been found by Captain Stern, the guy who had built the submarine, discovered the cavern and who I brought the Devon Parts back in the day.
It says a lot that he couldn’t catch a fucking break from those thugs.
Steven and I then traveled to the location of the trench in which the cavern was located before diving down with Granny and Scuba gear on hand.
Down there we found Kaien No. 1, also known as Kaien or Seabed Explorer 1, parked on the cavern’s internal beach, a large air bubble formed within it in spite of being deep underwater. We then begun t trek through the cavern which was easier said than done. The Zubat swarm that I have to deal with constantly aside, there were strong currents in some areas of the cave’s internal lakes, numerous large rocks that were hard to navigate, and naturally an entire submarine’s worth of Team Aqua Grunts.
At one point we got split up and I reached the deepest part of the cavern on my own where Sherley, the female Aqua Admin from way back at Petalburg, was guarding the entrance to Kyogre’s chamber.
You idiots just don’t think for even one second, do you? If you cause a flood you won’t help anyone, it will just destroy half of the Hoenn Region! We’re on a fucking island you dolts!” I reprimanded her ater beating her in another Pokémon Battle where I learned the full scope of their stupidity.
I then went to the last chamber to confront Archie who had gotten Tohaidonite by this point but I didn’t care. And neither did Chuchu because, as I told him, I had it to Sinnoh with his stupidity so I recalled every legendary Pokémon I knew and even had Steven use his, and ask me not how he got this, administrative rights to disable to Pokémon limit of six active Pokémon.
Yes, I had every last Pokémon on standby in active Pokeballs and taught Team Aqua a valuable lesson: Don’t fucking mess others while I’m within Flying Range of you. Because Oh My Arceus! I took the fucking KIDDIE GLOVES OFF! Yes, you hear me right, I Zerg Rushed Archie with every legendary that could fit into the cave, along with every Mega Evolution I could manage.
And if you’re wondering, I took Sherley’s Tohaidonite and that Courtney girl’s Cameruptite for myself, so Brute and Combuster were both Mega Evolved too!
I fucking fainted after Kyogre escaped, but damn if it wasn’t worth the damn “Oh Fuck No!” face Archie made!
(takes deep breath)
Sorry about that, I lost my cool.
So, situation at that point: Kyogre and Groudon are awake and went to Sootopolis to duke it out with one another. Both assumed a pseudo-Mega form called Primal Reversal that basically enhances them a fuck ton. Because of this, Hoenn is suffering from the worst case of memetic Climate Change in human history, with the weather swapping between Steel-Melting Sunshine to Terminal-Velocity rainstorms every five seconds.
But, there is some spot of light. Apparently there is a third Pokémon, the one from the mural way back then. And a girl named Zinnia insisted to awaken that one because it’s basically the minder of the two manchildren down in the water. She also had infiltrated Team Magma in hopes of dragging Rayquaza, the said legendary, out of it’s slumber because apparently there was also a METEOR heading our way.
And when I saw the image of Rayquaza and it’s Mega Form, I realized that something else was afoot with that meteor because, well, remember how I mentioned that prophecy I made as a child? The only True Prophecy I ever gave to my knowledge?
Let’s recap:
Silent Red who travels the stars
Blazing through the endless night
Greater yet the Green that Strikes
For else only ashes is what remains.
Yeah, extra-solar meteor comes at Earth. Green Legendary known for destroying them is the only solution. Now for the Red who travels the stars I don’t know what it is.
When I relayed this and Professor Oak confirmed it, they instantly went to work on getting everything together to try and get Rayquaza into the battle. One of these things was finding meteorites that would allow Rayquaza to Mega Evolve.
Another thing of note is that I found the Meteorite, the one I got at Mt. Chimney, had changed again not long after I got another couple fragments. It now resembled much more a Mega Stone of an unusual size than anything else, but it was still the meteorite.
When I got to the Sky Pillar, fighting my way through Kyogre’s waves as I did so, Steven opened the door to the tower where I went in with Zinniah who would be able to teach Rayquaza a move that it needed for Mega Evolution, and due to her expertise in Draconid lore, which were her people.
At the top of Sky Pillar she managed to summon Rayquaza and it indeed chose me as it’s rider and Trainer, apparently having already known of my pacts with other legendary Pokémon. I caught him - Pokeballs help with Mega Evolution, did you know? - and put on the environmental suit before Mega Evolving him. Then we, that is myself, Rayquaza who I named Stratos, Ho Oh, Lugia, John, Bianca, Mi, Bi, the Bird Brains, Blaze, Draka and Storm, all of them carrying my various Pokémon, totalling an army of 64 Pokémon at levels starting at 60 and upward, into battle at Sootopolis.
Stratos, with his Delta Stream, dissipated the weather powers of the two titans, then we brutally bombarded them with every single attack we had, along with every single Trainer that was able to make it into Sootopolis, including the Elite 4 of Hoen, Kanto/Johto and Sinnoh, a good 100+ Assist Pokémon led by Pokémon Rangers, and something like 400 wild Pokémon from all over Japan.
If I tell you this was a group effort, believe me, I’m not joking.
Ultimately the two titans had to be brought down by the only way Trainer can: Catching them. Thus, while Groudon was doused in water and ice, keeping him from melting them, and Kyogre was kept in position by dozens of Psychic-type Pokémon, I threw Masterballs at them.
That day, the Hoenn Region overcome the greatest crisis in history. And that day, I gave spankings to two grown-ass man for almost ending the world for hilariously stupid ideas that could never have worked. And I had help from Bi to make it stick.
On top of that, I had to travel into space right after, because that meteorite was still heading our way. We Draco-Ascended the shit out of that thing and then I had to deal with the “Silent Red who Travels the Stars”. That being the DNA Pokémon known as Deoys.
TL;DR, we kicked the alien’s ass, I caught it and become the youngest Astronaut to do a Space Walk in human history, at not even 13 years of age.
Compared to that my Battle against Juan of Sootopolis Gym was not even a fucking footnote.

So, now you may wonder, how did this all go down utimately afterward?
Well, I could tell you about my, once more luckless, attempt against the Hoenn League, or how I went to Sinnoh afterward and had to save some literal gods from being abused for their power, or PETA LITE in Unova who I had to kick their asses so hard their leader heard Arceus reprimanding him.
I could also talk about that time in Kalos when I had to evacuate the control center of a superweapon before it could be fired at itself because there’s a sour loser at the controls, and not to forget my transdimensional adventure in Alola and Ultra Space.
But I won’t, because recounting the next seven years of this life would probably get repetitive after a while.
I will just list what I did: I beat the Battle Frontier, both in Hoenn and Sinnoh. I beat the Elite 4 and holding Champion Cynthia in Sinnoh, I become Hero of Ideals of Zekrom in Unova, beat the Kalos Elite 4 and caught Keldeo, Xerneas and Solgaleo, befriended a ton of people and participated in a world tournament or two.
But this is the most I will be telling you about this part of my story, don’t want this to become boring because of too much of the same jump, right?

Well, you did definitely give a good showing there.” These were the words greeting me as Jump-chan appeared at the second of the end of my 10 years here.
I had let those who had responsibilities stay here, so I had not taken Ho Oh, the three Beasts, Lugia had also thanked out but had let me take her, yes, her, son Silver with me, ironic name is ironic, and Stratos thanked out as well. As for other legendary Pokémon I had, Nebby’s kid, who was the Solgaleo I mentioned, stayed with me as well. I also had gotten my hands on a Jirachi while in Hoenn. How?
I’m 50% sure it teleported into my bag while asleep during my fight with Deoxys, and from there caught itself in a Masterball, not sure though. This one stayed too, as did Celebi, who was in the GS Ball she gave me, because there are a lot of her species, Mi and Bi had no other place to be, Keldeo liked me and wanted to learn more, I also had hunted down the three Golems, aka the Regi Trio, along with Regigigas when I hit Sinnoh, but there were multiple of their different species so I kept them, they had also been glitching out lately and thought of me as their master. Odd.
John and Bianca had decided to come along with me, both of them, Groudon and Kyogre were Grounded until Kryostasis sets in, pun intended. It’s bad yes but still.
Another thing of note was Aaron, my Lucario I had gotten him in Sinnoh as an Egg and trained him in the role of Aura Guardian, sort of.
Well, I know this is all kinda sounding like it’s rushed, but there is just one rule really in Jumpchain: The Chain must Go On.
[SPOILER="Pokemon List End Jump 1"]
Chuchu (Pikachu)
Storm (Pidgeot)
Piske (Butterfree)
Gollie (Golem)
Flora (Venusaur)
Blaze (Charizard)
Blastie (Blastoise)
Digger (Dugtrio)
Lax (Snorlax)
Polygon (Porygon)
Draka (Dragonite)
Shirou (Marowak)
Dreamer (Alakazam)
Tauros (x30)
Eev (Sylveon)
Egger (Exeggcute)
Serene (Lapras)
Tiger (Electabuzz)
Raiga (Zapdos)
Dewy (Dewgong)
Lady (Jynx)
Snowy (Articuno)
Copy (Dittto)
Tria (Moltres)
Chrome (Kabutops)
Buggy (Armaldo)
Icarus (Archeops)
Buddy (Tyrantrum)
Leo (Tortouga)
Mi (Mew)
Bi (Mewtwo)
Hedwig (Noctowl)
Whoolie (Mareep)
Happy (Togekiss)
Nursery (Chansey)
Tricky (Sudowoodo)
Antler (Stantler)
Milky (Miltank (Super Tank))
Crimson (Gyarados*)
Ultra (Lectrode)
Flash (Blaziken)
Zag (Linoone)
Beauty (Bautifly)
Amy (Gardevoir)
Ferra (Lairon)
Cunny (Mawile)
Pearl (Clamperl)
Granny (Relicanth)
Zoner (Magnezone)
Combuster (Numel)
Cloudy (Swablu)
Puppet (Balltoy)
Trapper (Trapinch)
John (Latios)
Bianca (Latias)
Cinderella (Milotic)
Forecast (Castform)
Aaron (Lucario)
Silver (Lugia)

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