Monday, January 13, 2020

It's Time to Jump! Jump 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: In another World with my Wheelchair

Two days were left for my stay in the Warehouse, aside of my studying and practicing my time before the next jump was rather boring.
The housing attachment did do great for living accommodations, albeit I didn’t sleep much so far. The spells I had were just too fascinating, to be honest.
It was during one of these late-relative-night practices in one of the various empty areas of my warehouse, which is to say, about 99% of it, to be honest. I was just about to try and use one of the Null Spells I had found in the book, Program, to make one of the books flap in the air like a bird, when I heard clapping.
Well, that one definitely found a dedicated little jumper, didn’t she?” I whirled around, my eyes instantly locking on the unknown figure that was standing near one of the empty shelving units nearby. I couldn’t make out this person’s appearance, gender, and the voice had also been kinda androgynous, but I knew that this wasn’t Jump-chan, she like looking human and not so… weird.
Who are you? Did Jump-chan let you in?” I asked, because who else could do something like that? Or was that another of these benefactors?
Not quite, your benefactor doesn’t even know that I’m here.” Explained the figure and I tensed, that wasn’t good. “Calm down kid, I’m not your enemy. I’m actually a being similar to your benefactor and I’m here with an offer.” Stated the figure, another Benefactor so… a god? Not sure, as he approached. I knew I stood no chance against anything even close to Jump-chan’s powerlevel, and this thing was bypassing my Clockmaker perk with his… distortion or whatever that was.
I’m not gonna swap benefactors, Jump-chan’s more than good enough for me.” I instantly responded, not willing to risk anything if this was some sort of test, and it was true, after all I had been taken out of that horrible situation at the Dursley’s by Jump-chan and she had delivered everything that she promised so far.
The figure… uh, laughed in distortion? “Oh don’t worry little jumper, I’m not interested in running my own show. I’m instead here to offer you this.” He stated and before me appeared what looked like one of Jump-chan’s earlier floating screens. It had the Konami Code depicted on it in the middle of the introduction text, which indicated it was a standard supplement made by someone, and 600 CP to buy things.
The Cheater’s Manual Jupchain Supplement, by Sphere? You know, Cheaters never prosper, right?” I asked, turning to the benefactor and I swear, even though I couldn’t see their face, they were grinning at me.
Oh don’t worry, these cheats are nowhere near bad enough to trigger Murphy. And they’re perfectly legal actually since third-party intervention isn’t exactly forbidden. Bad form yes, but not forbidden.” Explained the entity and I decided to humor them for now.
The first thing that sprang to my eye was that the perks were all 600 CP in cost and quite a lot of powerful ones, and varied too. Ways to keep powers, skills, items, perks, all there. The last five perks were double in that cost and quite absurd in their own right too. Universal Capstone Booster? Universal Shattered Limiter? A lot of broken stuff in other words.
Items on the other hand were there as well, though they weren’t as broken. There was a “Scaling Weapon of The Slayer, which was a weapon that got stronger with you, Zenith Armor that was basically a semi-living super power armor on steroids. The kind of thing some wacky fanfiction writer made out of Cynti from Sinnoh wearing a Ditto as Power Armor basically.
There were less useful items mostly, but those were the big two though the items section was much more sparse than the perks section.
Question, is it intended for there only to be enough CP for one purchase?” I asked, looking up at the entity before me. I also had the impression I couldn’t pay with my account, not to mention that doing so would be kinda obvious if Jump-chan wasn’t to know about this meeting.
Well, it would be quite obvious if you had too many new toys at once, right? That’s why you can only pay for one. You can naturally bank the CP for our next visit, which will be in ten jumps, but where would be the fun in that?” Responded the entity and I rolled my eyes, he had at least a point in what he had said.
I ultimately decided to buy one of the perks, it was rather interesting, if you want a read?
Training Memetically (600 CP) Remember all those kooky ideas people come up with that shouldn't work with a setting's stated capabilities? You can do that now. You can take powers from any world and break their mechanics over your knee just through training. You learn and grow in power faster allowing you to get high tier techniques down within two weeks, not the highest tier but enough to be considered at the Jounin level, to borrow a term from Naruto. You also have a tendency of finding ways to make techniques cost less and be twice as lethal to your opponents. In addition, you can further use those abilities in ways that shouldn't be natural for them to work, even when mixed with other powers they shouldn't play nice with, and not only will they not blow up in your face but they'll turn out far better than you were expecting. As the cherry on top of your game breaking sundae, you can teach others how to do this and everything will be just dandy even after you leave.
So, basically, this was the biggest growth cheat outside of that Reddit Gen Isekai jump. I would be an idiot not to take it.
Cheat Banker, as I decided to name him, then gave his goodbyes and left me to my own devices.
Meaning I now had another two days to work under this new training enhancer.

The first thing I did when entering this jump was basically the same as when I got into the Pokémon world.
Wake up.
I was Harley Parker, 18 years old, top student of the nearby university and daughter of army Seargeant Typhoon Parker, widow, and older sister of Michelle Parker, Middle Schooler.
Yes, my innitials were used, and both Storm and Mi were renamed into... well alright, they were normal enough, though Storm’s name was kind of on the nose about her original name being based on a weather condition. A bad one at that, while Mi kept her full name, just integrated into a more human one.
Sitting up I could feel my joints pop as the memories of this life begun to filter in, I was basically a mega genius, unparalleled by anyone known. I had built my first robot at eight years old, programming a full Machine Intelligence for it before getting my first PC. I had patents on computer technology and earned a hundred million dollars through it. Yes, apparently I brought in the dough for our family.
The reason I was at college, and not had my own huge lab with all the ammenities this entails, working for the government in some capacity, or giving lectures in a university, was that I chose to continue my education at a normal rate rather than skipping in case of missing something that would be good in developing my own intellect and understanding.
I got up and begun to dress, my leg issues were not severe enough that I couldn’t stand, thankfully, but they were messed up enough that it was difficult to stand or run for a prolonged period of time and PA was entirely impossible, so I was excused. I was still not helpless since I could kick people’s ass faster than my problems could lay me low. One-Man Army from Paladin of Shadows does that to you, you know?
I still had to use a wheelchair for longer ways and crutches to not hurt myself on average, it was kinda annoying but it was also a drawback, so I couldn’t do anything about this disability.
Luckily we lived near enough to the college that I could get there with relative ease all things considered, not to mention that my jump identity includes a driver’s license and the knowledge on how to operate a car. Ignoring that I did all the repairs myself and may or may not have built a couple extras in to make it safer.
As I got down to the kitchen from my room, rubbing my legs with a wince since they did hurt a bit from standing and moving while I was getting dressed, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
Whelp, I’m quite pretty. I had long, black hair, a pretty face, slender figure, despite being able to out benchpress a bodybuilder, dark green eyes and light skin. I was wearing my school’s uniform already, which consisted of a black blazer, Karo-pattern skirt, white, knee-high socks and black shoes. The college I attended, if you couldn’t guess, took a few of it’s standards from Japan as far as the dress code was concerned. For that reason I had a blue ribbon tied around my neck and laying atop my modest bust.
Hey sis, looks like you’re not blonde this jump.” I blinked, turning around to find Michelle sitting at the table, her pink hair and blue eyes a stark contrast to me. Though in this case, her hair was dyed rather than being naturally Mew-pink.
And you’re the girl who dyed her hair pink when setting up her build just so she can have her fur color remaining.” I shot back with a smirk, shaking my head. Even the In-Universe explanation was that Michelle was a huge Mew fan, so she decided to be a Mew, dying her hair pink for that purpose. Her eyes were already the right color. She even had a fake Mew tail and ears in her closet!
Which is kinda ironic considering the fact that she’s an actual Mew in a human form. Anyway, I sat down where the food was already mo- I mean, Storm/Typhoon, was in the kitchen, the fact that Piske, the only guy among the whole of my six Pokémon companions that I imported, was a Drop-In meant she was a widow who was raising her two daughters alone. Luckily I had a steady income already and could help support us.
As for what was for breakfast today, it was omelet with bread and some sausage pieces fried into the eggs themselves. The fact that a bird was making eggs for breakfast was kinda odd, to be honest, but she was a human now so, meh. Michelle was naturally talkative, she was an extrovert regardless of form and seeing her not talk 50 mph would be considered odd. Again, she’s a Mew, so that’s also normal.
Mom, because screw the oddness of calling one of my earliest catches my mother, because she is right now, went to work, I had been to the base before so I opened a portal into a secure area and she went through, it was how we decided to do it from here on out, it wasn’t something my in-universe version could do before.
A bit later I also did this for Michelle to her school, before finishing up placing the dishes into the dishwasher before sitting down in my wheelchair and portaling to Chuchu’s place.
Whoa! Don’t scare me like that!” And I almost ran into her while going through, in the corridor before her apartment’s main door.
Chuchu, or Cristine Cassidia, was a tall, athletic blonde girl of 19 years who, now that I thought about it, looked a lot like my Yellow Alt-Form did at that age, which was kinda odd in my opinion but meh. “You knew I was coming.” I pointed out, raising an eyebrow at her, because our in-jump personas had decided it this way after all the previous day. It was kinda a normal occurrence though my In-Jump persona hadn’t been able to use Portal or Magic in general yet before I come.
Doesn’t change the fact that you were literally coming out of the wall in front of me. Geez.” She responded, shaking her head.
Luckily she lived in an apartment of her own, her parents, in this universe, didn’t live in Seattle but she went to college here. We had met when my family had lived in that city but moved due to mom’s job and we only saw each other again at college this year. I paid off her student loan and paid half of her apartment rent, by the way. I had the money.
Don’t be such a prude, at least I can-” I stopped that thought when I remembered one of the many reasons I would pop into her apartment at odd times. “Oh dear Arceus, I’m in a relationship with my Starter Pokémon.” I muttered and Cristine blushed as this memory also popped into her head. We were both Bi and in a, well, the right word would be flexible, relationship. Aka, we dated, we had sex, and we did the same with other people as we wished.
Well, if you don’t want to anymore… Now that we’re...” Yeah, Cristine was trying to be subtle.
No, I- ugh, it’s just so odd. At least it’s not like I’m starting this as a virgin.” I muttered, shaking my head. The feelings for her were there, it was part of this persona after all that I had gained.
So, let’s just live on as we did before inserting ourselves? Or rather, how our other selves did?” Asked Cristine, curiously and I nodded.
Yeah, let’s do that. Better than breaking up while still having all the feels.” I stated, blushing at the double meaning that could have. “At least I can be the best of both worlds I guess.” I commented and got a laugh from Cristine for it, as well as a dopeslap.
We went to school after that, arriving perfectly on time, and begun to live the life of two college students in this world.

A few weeks went by, as it turned out Amy, name unchanged, hadn’t told me that she set herself into being my older sister at 25 years old.
She was the only one of my family to get caught as a Conduit by the government but got out and now had a lot of blackmail in her hands against them, as well as a lot of favors. She rarely used it but I got a lot of resources and support through her for my various personal projects.
One of them was help installing a reactor I made, it was basically a low-key Zero-Point reactor that drew energy from a contained pocket of subspace and… okay, I admit, this thing is a couple millenia ahead of most any setting. Sue me for installing a generator so we could have power for free. Same for the untraceable internet connection that used the Pentagon’s provider.
Yeah, when you’re an Omega-Level genius whose IQ can be best described in relativity, then you can do shit.
After a few months of study and experimentation, intersected with some… less serious activities involving Cristine, I begun to produce my own merchandise, namely in the form of electronics devices I created with Magitech and Timelord technology.
Thus was born the Jumper C1, a smartphone with a 20:12 centimeter surface, a 4 milimeter thickness, and 2000 Terrabyte internal storage, graphic cards that could handle the most amazing graphics imaginable and any game being something to waste on this graphic card since nothing could come close to it’s capacity, 100% virus security, hacking impervious, compatibility with any and all forms of OS and with it’s own OS included.
Sim cards could be inserted externally and it had charging station on which you placed it to recharge with a battery life of around 72 hours. The phone was also absolutely indestructible, couldn’t be disassembled and blunted any hit dealt with it to avoid it being used as a bludgeoning or even cutting weapon thanks to it’s thinness. The thing was basically space-age and beyond in technology.
The sales were slow at first but once people started realizing what the phones could do, including running full 3D VR games and being untraceable so country-exclusives could be played without an issue, along with a build-in translator that was literally perfect, they begun to be sold as fast as I could manufacture them in my Warehouse.
To do so I transmuted dirt and garbage into raw materials and processed it in a number of manufacturing machines I set up to make the phones. This produced almost 100 phones per 400 kilogram of material I fed into them. I even plundered the garbage dumps for raw materials along with taking any and all dirt, grime and other waste from the oceans that I could filter out of them.
The beaches had never been so clean in my vicinity since forever.
As for what sort of technology I included in these phones, their core consists of two specialized enchanted crystals of a magical mineral I cannot disclose, which possess the special quality that their crystalline matrixes can store and process data at astonishing levels that make modern supercomputers and even the human brain in complexity look like the first ever PCs of this world by comparison, or more like Abacus really.
Iafter the phones become a great hit and a search on internet forums begun to surge, I opened an anonymous website address,, and put them on online sale using common American Express for shipping. The bank accounts that the money flowed into was, obviously, my Paladin of Shadows account collection.
Soon after I also released proper PCs, which held several hard drives, each with a capacity of 1000 Tetabyte and graphic cards of the same level as the phones, as well as an OS, Paladin Jumper 1, that possessed the programming codes of any other OS on the market, therefore being compatible with just about any program or game in existence and with a processing power to match.
Like the phones before, these PC were indestructible, could not be taken apart, had unremoveable disc reading slots and about 20 USB slots each, come in 90 different chassi styles and come with pre-programmed packages of programs that could be selected at the website. They also come in laptop and tower form with the latter coming free with specialized monitors with additional ones being 100 dollars each after the original.
They sold for 600 dollars each, as they were that dirt cheap to produce for me. And I’m not even joking about the dirt part here.
The money itself I begun to funnel into aid for cities that had been laid to waste by the outbreaks of Conduits inside of them and R&D projects for medicine and space flight. I also funneled the scientific basics for various advanced technologies to those later ones to speed things up a notch, but didn’t limit it to the US, also sending the same to the UK, Russia and any other large economic powerhouse with a stake in the space programs.
So yeah, I was basically uplifting the place.
By year three computer technology had ascended far beyond anything imaginable by non-OCP origins for this universe in terms of technology and I had begun production of high-resolution game consoles for large companies like Nintendo, Sony and so on. The new Nintendo X for example had now a high-level internet connection that was on par with my mobile phones, which by now had undergone several design upgrades, was basically a larger version of them and could run the sorts of graphics that the Nintendo 64 wished it had been able to create.
It could also connect to the TV but could be used as a handheld console. Games were played by either downloading them off an online store or buying the physical copies that were attached to the top of the console by clipping them on the side of the device. They were very small indeed.
I also provided the game cartridges for these games and got in exchange, for only getting 10% of the sales money, copies of any game I wanted and could even custom order games to my own ideas. I had similar deals with Sony and Sega, by the way, so the consoles were pretty much equal in many regards but featured different styles and game franchises that they sold.
As for the space programs, they had begun sending the first probes to the outer planets that could actually use what was basically termed a “Blink Drive”, which basically used some complicated mechanisms to cause a temporary distortion in time around the vessel to jump it back in time, making it move and use the smaller dimensional size of the universe to traverse space in what would seem like a blink of an eye.
I can’t explain it better, alright?
Anyway, it was around this point that extremists in Empire City begun to attack Conduits and hunt them down. They called for the government to hunt down all Conduits, confirmed or just suspected, and summarily as well as immediately, execute them. And they weren’t alone as in many other places in the US similar calls for “Freak Extermination” were being shouted by a dozen or so very entitled individuals of whom many actually thought that the existence of Conduits was a sign of demonic possession and that those “Afflicted” had to be killed to save humanity.
And I swear, I saw Petunia-motherfucking-Dursley in one of those crowds. Would be perfectly within her character to do something like that, to be honest.
The greatest proponents of this were naturally the Catholic Creationist groups, such as the “Institute of Creation “Science””, Kent Hovind, and most Flat-Earthers. They claimed it was their god’s way of exposing the greatest sinners and for the American people to repentent by putting down those demons.
The worst part was, this split the nation in two. The Government and much of the military leadership, were all in on the containment of Conduits, not the extermination, but the restart of the projects from seven years ago, to turn Conduits into simple weapons of war for America, obedient supersoldiers, basically.
On the other hand, 82% of all soldiers disagreed with this, along with a number of politicians and a few of the senior officers too. Especially those who saw the evils that had been committed seven years ago.
I, for my part, decided that I may as well put to good use my knowledge and technology, those people needed to be stopped after all.
A year after the Conduit Civil War, as some would later call it, commenced, the Anti-Extremist faction of the US military was gifted a ridiculously large amount of shiny new armor and tanks. These suits of armor were Timelord tech Power Armor, it was largely clunky in design and nowhere near what I could have produced if I had more to work with than just the basic ideas of Power Armor and schematics, but they were still extremely strong.
I also included various magical functions into them to ensure they become as powerful as possible but would also become inert once the war was over. I wanted to end this war, not provide the US with superweapons.
The tanks on the other hand were hover tanks with bubble shields and Railguns as well as two machinegun turrets. They were built from the same basic tech base and could take out pretty much any single target in one shot, even a battleship would be unable to even hope winning here.
Additionally I build a large number of autonomous drones that worked as powerful interceptors and fightercraft, before bringing my flying aircraft carrier, [Noble Pursuit] out of the storage where I kept it. Yes, I brought the giant airship out. I also, basically, took command of the rebel forces and continued churning out tanks and power armor.
Within a month we took Washington DC. After two, the Pentagon was conquered. The fourth month saw us capture Air Force 1, along with the president. In the sixth month, the war was over, we had won. And, believe it or not, I was chosen by the rebels to be the new president, at least for a few years if I get voted out after that.
So yeah, at 22 years, approaching 23, objectively 34 really, I become the president of the United States of America. I still reduced the number of operational suits and tanks to avoid provocation and moved my seat of government onto the [Noble Pursuit], which had been since nicknamed [Sea Force 1] as a joke to the fact that it was a functional aircraft carrier, not an airplane.
Luckily, while this gave me butt loads of new work on top of my school time, I had all the dedication I needed to do so, and didn’t need much sleep either.
I started by purging the extremist elements from the US, taking down the institutionalized Creationist groups and dismantling the various “Schools” that really only served the purpose of indoctrinating children to obey the church. Meaning my lowest popularity ratings were in Texas. Kent Hovind was tried and found guilty, like most that had voiced their “Conduits are Demons” thoughts, of creating the riot in the first place and for attempted genocide against all conduits.
I had his entire assets, along with those of the various Creationist movements, sacked and pulled into scientific fields to further those. I also opened dialogue with the UK and Russia, revealing that I had been the one that had shared with them the scientific principles they had been using so far, as well as being the source of the advanced computer technology.
My cabinet on the other hand, I may add, consisted largely of my companions. Mom become Secretary of Defense and general staff chief. My VP become Cristine, as well as becoming First Lady because, well, we’re adults now and I actually found that I enjoy it. People still scratched their heads when we announced Cristine pregnant by me after two years.
Amy become head of my Secret Service delegation who were the guards for me. No one needed to know that we were also, umm, let’s leave it at “Friends with Benefits”.
What? I told you I’m for Polygamy as is my current persona. Geez.
Anyway, Piske joined the same agents, it wasn’t hard for me to justify appointing my own people to it and he was a skilled fighter.
Lastly was Bianca who become head of my personal fighter wings aboard the [Noble Pursuit], who flew N23 Star Hawk Aero-Space Fightercraft. Yes, early spacefighters.
Oh yeah, about that child me and Cristine had, Angelica was born a beautiful little girl, blonde like her womb mother but with my eyes. I had intentionally let her have a number of my own intelligence and strength perks, along with the conduit powers which, surprisingly, she would manifest as a dual-affinity for ice and electricity.
By the time elections rolled around again I found myself at the head of a new golden age for the US, with technology and health as well as the economy, booming so hard it knocked the Baby Boom era out of the water for most prosperous era in the states.
We even had a habitat set-up at Mars for crying out loud!
Well, what does this mean for the elections? 96% votes for me, the rest divided between Liberal and Conservatives evenly. Yes, I knocked the competition out of the fucking ballpark. I had been ready to give up the presidency if I had been elected out, but president Harley Parker would remain in power until my Jump ended, at which point I had created the first interstellar starship, [Graceful Voyager], which was crewed by the US, UK and Russia evenly.
Our goal? One of three inhabitable planets we had found with the Blink Drive Probes, within reasonable distance from Earth. They would be the first interstellar colonists of Earth, of the human race in fact. The ships were armed with Railguns, Rayguns and even several nuclear missile silos in case of hostiles, but that wasn’t expected.
And when the jump ended, the polls come in, with another overwhelming majority, this time 99.9999%, in my favor. “I guess I’ll be president for a little while longer.” I noted in bemusement as time stopped and the jump ended.

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